A switch responds to an external force to mechanically change an electric signal. Switches are used to turn electric circuits ON and OFF and to switch electric circuits. Many specialized forms exist, such as the toggle switch, rotary switch, mercury switch, push-button switch, reversing switch, relay, and circuit breaker. A common use is control of lighting, where multiple switches may be wired into one circuit to allow convenient control of light fixtures. They connect multiple devices, such as computers, wireless access points, printers, and servers; on the same network within a building or campus. A switch enables connected devices to share information and talk to each other.

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Chirab Technologies is the leader is setting up an Integrated Motor Test Laboratories for testing of LT, MV and HV AC & DC motors. The Induction / Synchronous / PMSM / BLDC motors can be tested using the test labs offered by us. The test Labs offered by us can be for No Load and Load tests. The integrated Test Labs supplied and commissioned in many countries by Chirab. Automatic Data Acquisition from Test Instruments Automatic Test Report Generation Compliance with Standards • IS 15999-2-1 • IEC 60034-2-1 • IEEE 112

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