DESCRIPTION Some examples of targeted crops include cotton, tobacco, sweet corn, rice, peanuts, and even fruits such as apples, oranges, and many more. The list of possible food sources for the worms is extensive, so crop damage is wide-ranging. It is estimated that almost 40 percent of those species that armyworms target are economically important. Because the larva eats so much of the plant, they are very detrimental to crop survival and yield. In corn, larvae will even burrow into the corn ear to eat the kernels.


Blue Sticky Roll is most useful IPM Tool for controlling sucking pest like Thrips, Tea Mosquito Bug, Leaf miner flies. It decreases the sucking pest population and prevents viral disease spreading. Commonly Used in chili, capsicum and onion to control onion thrips. These are PP film rolls coated with non drying adhesive on both the sides which trap insects/pests when in flight. When you have an insect population in a large area that you need to monitor and trap, this sticky roll is the answer for you. If you are dealing with an invasion of Western Flower Thrips, you are advised to use the Blue Sticky Roll. Blue Sticky Roles have been tested, on different crops and in various conditions. Trials showed that these rolls can reduce adult thrips numbers. It is very useful for attracting insects from long distances.


Sticky Trap is most useful IPM Tool for controlling sucking pest like Thrips, Tea Mosquito Bug, Leaf miner flies. It decrease sucking pest population and prevent viral disease spreading.


O-MAT Only Lure For Fruits 4.5x4.5 x1.2 cm wood killing block impregnated with lure and killing mixture, fitted in water rainproof trap container of 1100 ml capacity. It remains effective for 60-90 days depending on season. The technology is meant for fruit fly trapping in fruit crops such as Mango Guava, Sapota, Citrus fruits, Papaya and many others. Investment payback guarantee within One crop cycle completion. Invented & Approved By: Indian Council of Agriculture Research (ICAR) - Central Institute for Subtropical Horticulture (CISH).


AUTOMATIC ELECTRICAL UV LIGHT SOURCE TRAP WITH RESTRICTOR HAVING REGULATED CROP AREA ILLUMINATION Area Coverage:-1 Hector. Automation for illumination hours to avoid non target insects with violet light colour provision. Rays restrictor to reduce the vacuum cleaning effect of light trap. Insect loving wavelength to attract more insects (395 nm to 465nm) with UV light source. Additional light source of 495 nm in killing tub to drown the attracted insects. Working well in vegetables, mango, pomegranate, cotton, sugarcane, pulses, rice and multi crop environment. Investment payback guarantee within One crop cycle completion. Invented & Approved by : Indian Council of Agriculture Research (ICAR) - Central Institute for Subtropical Horticulture (CISH)


These are PP film rolls coated with non drying adhesive on both the sides which trap insects/pests when in flight. When you have an insect population in a large area that you need to monitor and trap, this sticky roll is the answer for you. Yellow Sticky Role utilizes certain insects’ attraction to the color yellow to trap them on its sticky surface. Yellow sticky traps are used to attract, trap and monitor aphids, flies, leaf minors, fungus gnats and many others types of insects.


Solar Based Insect Trap With Double attraction mechanism To attract and Kill Fly Insects Area Coverage:-1 Acer Automation for illumination hours to avoid non-target insects. Two wavelengths to attract more insects (395 nm to attraction 465nm) with dual LED, alternate cyclic on/off provision with Violet and Blue colour to attract insects of different orders. Provision of restrictor to limit the light travel towards sky and within 117 feet radius in the field to reduce the vacuum cleaning effect of light traps. Additional light source of 495 nm in killing tub to drown the attracted insects. Working well in vegetables, mango, and pomegranate, cotton, and sugarcane, pulses, rice and multi crop environment. Investment payback guarantee within One crop cycle completion. Invented & Approved By : Indian Council of Agriculture Research (ICAR) - Central Institute for Subtropical Horticulture (CISH)


Yellow sticky traps are a common method for monitoring many insects, but it has not been shown whether they could be used as a control method. Colour attraction phenomenon used to attract and trap sucking pest. It is easy method to prevent sucking pest like Whitefly, Aphid, Jassids, Leaf hoppers, Brown plant hopper. Yellow sticky trap is ready to use insect attracting traps with adhesive glue. From initial stage of crop sheets should installed in farm for better management. It help growers to monitor and manage major sucking pest in all crops. Use it and manage sucking pest like whitefly with minimum usage of pesticides.


DESCRIPTION This small moth is colored gray and brown. It can potentially identified by a cream-colored band that may be present in the shape of a diamond on its back. The diamondback moth has a wingspan of about 15 mm and a body length of 6 mm. The forewings are narrow, brownish gray and lighter along the anterior margin, with fine, dark speckles. A creamy-colored stripe with a wavy edge on the posterior margin is sometimes constricted to form one or more light-colored diamond shapes, which is the basis for the common name of this moth. The hind wings are narrow, pointed toward the apex, and light gray, with a wide fringe. The tips of the wings can be seen to turn upward slightly when viewed from the side.


The Blue Sticky Trap has important advantages in pest management. Blue color dark and depth in nature. Because of this harmful insect pest like thrips, leaf miner fly attracts towards blue colour. This increases the specificity of the traps and avoids the complications of attracting non target and in particular beneficial insects, which need to be preserved. The blue traps can comfortably be used in greenhouses etc. where beneficial insects are being released. Sometimes beneficial insect can trap randomly. These are standard cut sized Paper sheets coated both the sides with insect sticky adhesive along with release paper.


DESCRIPTION The pink bollworm (Pectinophora gossypiella) is an insect known for being a pest in cotton farming. The adult is a small, thin, gray moth with fringed wings. The larva is a dull white caterpillar with eight pairs of legs with conspicuous pink banding along its dorsum. The larva reaches one-half inch in length.


O-MAT Lure +Conatiner For Fruits 4.5x4.5 x1.2 cm wood killing block impregnated with lure and killing mixture, fitted in water rainproof trap container of 1100 ml capacity. It remains effective for 60-90 days depending on season. The technology is meant for fruit fly trapping in fruit crops such as Mango Guava, Sapota, Citrus fruits, Papaya and many others. Investment payback guarantee within One crop cycle completion. Invented & Approved By : Indian Council of Agriculture Research (ICAR) - Central Institute for Subtropical Horticulture (CISH).


4.5x4.5 x1.2 cm wood killing block impregnated with lure and killing mixture, fitted in water, rainproof trap container of 1100 ml capacity. It remains effective for 90 days depending on season. The technology is meant for fruit fly trapping in cucurbit crops such as Cucumber, bottle gourd, pumpkin, Ridge gourd, Pointed gourd, Bitter gourd, Melon, Snake gourd, Ash gourd etc. Investment payback guarantee within One crop cycle completion. Invented & Approved By : Indian Council of Agriculture Research (ICAR) - Central Institute for Subtropical Horticulture (CISH)


DESCRIPTION King Catcher Epic Plus is one of the powerful tool of Insect Pest Management in Grain Storage Godowns. The Epic plus trap is used for monitoring stored product insects in warehouse & can be operated during the day-night hours. The UV light trap mainly consists of an ultra violet source (5 W fluorescent special purpose lamp). It has DC High Voltage Killing Mesh Mechanism with Operating Voltage 230V AC. The Epic Plus Trap can be placed in food grain storage Godowns at 1.5 m above ground level, preferably in places around warehouse corners, as it has been observed that the insect tends to move towards these places during the evening hours. The light trap attracts towards product insects like Coleoptera (Red Flour Beetle, Saw toothed beetle etc), Lepidoptera (moths), Weevils in large numbers. The Epic PlusTrap is Ideal for use in godowns meant for long-term storage of grains.


The Water trap is a long-lasting and durable device that can be used with a number of pheromone lures. Yellow colored trap with green colored lure holder designed to attract and trap weak flying insect pest. Therefore, the installation of the Water trap will ensure and help you to monitor and control of specific pest. Water Trap is with larger basin canopy of capacity of 1.8 lit. Mostly prefered by vegetable growers for managing different pest. Target Pest: Moths (Lepidoptera) Used with lures: Brinjal Lure, Tutom Lure, DBM Lure Used with label claimed lure in those crops: Brinjal, Tomato, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Broccoli


DESCRIPTION The Delta trap is a long-lasting and water-resistant device that can be used in conjunction with a number of pheromones. The pheromones are species-specific and thus have a minimal effect on beneficial insects. Accurate monitoring is essential to minimize damage and protect crops. Therefore, the installation of the Delta trap will ensure you are alerted to the presence of unwanted pests at an early stage, detecting the insects before they become a major problem and enabling timely and effective treatment. The trap is quick and easy to assemble and simply requires the addition of a pheromone lure, which when placed in the center of the trap will attract and trap the pests.


DESCRIPTION Leucinodes orbonalis, the eggplant fruit and shoot borer or brinjal fruit and shoot borer, is a moth species in the genus Leucinodes. It is found throughout the tropics in Asia and Africa. Brinjal fruit and shoot borer (BFSB) is a very important pest on brinjal and is one of the main impediments to brinjal production. It is an internal borer which damages the tender shoots and fruits. The yield loss varies from season to season and from location to location. It can also attack other crops such as other Solanaceae (e.g. potato, tomato), mango, sweet potato and pea


DESCRIPTION Spodoptera litura is also known as tregulatory concern. There are slihe Cluster caterpillar, Cotton leafworm, Tobacco cutworm, This moth is found in Asia, with some specific problematic pest population reports occurring in Cambodia, Hong Kong, India, the Pacific islands, Guam, American Samoa, and Hawaii. In Australia, it is found in northern two thirds of the country. It is not established in the United States, however, it is a pest of national, ght but obvious differences in morphology between males and females of Spodoptera litura that allow for the easy differentiation of the two sexes. Male forewing length is 14–17 mm while female forewing length is slightly larger and measures 15–18 mm. The orbicular spot on the forewing is also more pronounced in the males.


DESCRIPTION Rhinoceros beetles are herbivorous insects named for the horn-like projections on and around the males' heads. Most are black, gray, or greenish in color, and some are covered in soft hairs. Another name given to some of these insects is the Hercules beetle, because they possess a strength of Herculean proportion. Adults of some species can lift objects 850 times their weight. One way the beetles use this extreme strength is to dig themselves into leaf litter and soil to escape danger. Their horns also help them to do this. Rhinoceros beetles can grow up to six inches (15 centimeters).


DESCRIPTION The palm weevil Rhynchophorus ferrugineus is one of two species of snout beetle known as the red palm weevil, Asian palm weevil or sago palm weevil. The adult beetles are relatively large, ranging between two and four ceoiu8ntimeters long, and are usually a rusty red colour—but many colour variants exist and have often been classified as different species (e.g., Rhynchophorus vulneratus). Weevil larvae can excavate holes in the trunk of a palm trees up to a metre long, thereby weakening and eventually killing the host plant. As a result, the weevil is considered a major pest in palm plantations, including the coconut palm, date palm and oil palm.


IPM trap is patented trap. This trap is eco friendly designed to trap different fruit fly species in vegetable and fruit crops. Pheromone traps plays a important role in detecting influxes of adult pest species from one region to another and also even from non-crop areas into crop areas. Pheromone traps used to monitor target pests in agriculture fields. By constantly monitoring for insects, Use of pheromone traps shows lesser damage to crop by pest. It can also limit the presence of stinging insects in the field. Use With Lures: Fruit Fly Lure, Melon Fly Lure


DESCRIPTION Trapping for RB & RPW, it is specially designed and created for trapping Red Palm weevil and Rhinoceros Beetle. The trap has to be installed around the coconut tree about five feet from ground surface level and has to be fixed by pouring water along with coconut bark particle. The trap must be serviced at least once in two weeks to remove the dead beetles. PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS • Height: 190mm • Top width: 190mm • Bottom width: 180mm • 5’Hole size: 35mm (For entry of insect)


DESCRIPTION Funnel trap are made only virgin material for long shelf life, attraction and trapping maximum number of insect. The insects mass trapping (Mass trapping) is an ecological method, specific for every insect and environmentally-friendly. The method consists of the capture of the greater possible number of male of the insect at issue by using sexual pheromones and reducing this way the damages caused in the crop. The effects of the use of the mass trapping are shown mainly as of the second year of use. Funnel trap are highly versatile traps used to collect a wide range of moths. The funnel trap usually contains a lure from the underside of the trap; it is the process of attraction and trapping the insect from those damages to crops.


Blue Sticky Trap is the most useful IPM Tool for controlling sucking pests like Thrips, Tea Mosquito Bug, Leaf miner flies. It decreases the sucking pest population and prevents viral disease spreading. Commonly Used in chili, capsicum and onion to control onion thrips. These are PP film rolls coated with non drying adhesive on both the sides which trap insects/pests when in flight. When you have an insect population in a large area that you need to monitor and trap, this sticky roll is the answer for you. If you are dealing with an invasion of Western Flower Thrips, you are advised to use the Blue Sticky Roll. Blue Sticky Roles have been tested, on different crops and in various conditions. Trials showed that these rolls can reduce adult thrips numbers. It is very useful for attracting insects from long distances.


Elevate your daily ritual with these exquisite handmade white ceramic cups, each adorned with a unique, handpainted blue design. Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, these cups offer a perfect blend of elegance and functionality. Their smooth, creamy finish provides a luxurious feel, while the vibrant blue hue adds a touch of sophistication. With a generous capacity of 300ml, these cups are ideal for your favorite beverages, from morning coffee to evening tea. Each piece is a one-of-a-kind creation, reflecting the artistry and passion of the skilled craftsman who brought it to life. Experience the beauty and functionality of these handcrafted ceramic cups, and add a touch of personalized charm to your home.

100.00 120.00

Eco-Friendly Gardening at Its Best Nana's 6-inch coir pots are crafted from natural coconut fiber, making them an ideal choice for eco-conscious gardeners. These pots are 100% biodegradable, ensuring you can enjoy a beautiful garden without harming the planet. By choosing these sustainable garden pots, you're taking a significant step towards reducing your carbon footprint and promoting environmental stewardship. Biodegradable Coir Pots: Environmentally friendly and sustainable Natural Coconut Fiber: Eco-conscious and durable Reduce Carbon Footprint: Support sustainable practices

350.00 550.00

Eco-Friendly Gardening: Protecting Our Planet Imagine cultivating your garden with a product that not only nurtures your plants but also cares for the environment. The Nana 2.5 Inch Coir Seedling Pots are crafted from natural coconut coir, a sustainable and renewable resource. These eco-friendly seedling pots are biodegradable, breaking down naturally over time, which reduces waste and leaves no harmful residues. By choosing these coir pots, you’re making a conscious decision to protect our planet while enjoying the beauty of your garden.

350.00 425.00

Eco-Friendly Elegance: A Greener Way to Garden Transform your space with Nana 8 Inch Hanging Coir Pots, a perfect blend of style and sustainability. These pots, crafted from natural coconut coir, are fully biodegradable, ensuring that your gardening practices are kind to the environment. Choosing Nana Coir Pots means embracing eco-friendly gardening and reducing waste. As these pots decompose naturally, they enrich the soil and support healthier plant growth. Elevate your green space while caring for the planet with Nana's sustainable hanging coir pots.

420.00 550.00

Transform Your Garden with Nana's Eco-Friendly Pots Sustainable Gardening with Nana's Coconut Fibre Pots Elegant and Earth-Friendly: Nana's 8-Inch Garden Pots Join the Green Movement with Nana's Durable Pots Beautify Your Garden Sustainably with Nana's Pots

450.00 650.00

Discover Nana 4 Inch Coir Pots, the perfect eco-friendly solution for sustainable gardening. Biodegradable with excellent water retention and ideal pH balance.

300.00 500.00

Hanging baskets tend to dry out more quickly. However, a key advantage of using coir hanging baskets is that they retain water and moisture well, making it easier to manage the watering of plants. Coir is porous, allowing air to travel to plant roots, and helping plants to grow strong and healthy root systems.Coir is porous, allowing air to travel to plant roots, and helping plants to grow strong and healthy root systems. Coir also absorbs water well, which helps prevent over or under-watering your plants

500.00 700.00

Enjoy the beauty of hanging plants without the hassle. The Hanging Nana Cocopot Black Metal Hanger features a user-friendly design that makes installation a breeze. With its strong metal hanger, you can easily suspend it in your desired location, bringing nature closer to your everyday life. Additionally, maintenance is simple with its removable liner, allowing for easy cleaning and efficient watering. Spend less time on upkeep and more time appreciating the natural beauty this cocopot brings to your space. The straightforward installation and low maintenance requirements make it an ideal choice for both novice gardeners and experienced plant enthusiasts, ensuring that you can effortlessly create a stunning plant display.

270.00 325.00

The Hanging Nana Cocopot Black Metal Hanger is built to last. Constructed from high-quality materials, this cocopot hanger is designed to withstand the elements, making it perfect for both indoor and outdoor use. This robust metal hanger ensures secure and stable placement, while the cocopot you buy with this provides excellent drainage to promote healthy plant growth. From the scorching sun to heavy rain, this durable hanging planter maintains its charm and functionality, giving your plants a reliable home.

330.00 450.00

Enhance your living space with the Hanging Nana 12-Inch Coir Liner, a perfect blend of natural beauty and practical design. Crafted from eco-friendly coconut fibers, this coir liner brings a touch of rustic charm to any environment. Whether displayed in your living room, patio, or garden, the natural texture and earthy tones of the coir liner provide an ideal backdrop for your favorite plants. Imagine cascading ivy or blooming flowers hanging gracefully, creating a serene and inviting atmosphere that enhances your décor and brings nature closer to your everyday life.

170.00 200.00

Transform your space with the Hanging Nana 8-Inch Coir Liner, a perfect blend of rustic charm and elegance. Crafted from eco-friendly coconut fibers, this coir liner adds a natural touch to any environment. Picture your vibrant flowers or lush green plants cascading beautifully in your living room, patio, or garden. The rich texture and earthy tones of the coir liner provide an ideal backdrop, turning your plants into a stunning focal point. Let the Hanging Nana 10-Inch Coir Liner infuse your home with the serene beauty of nature.

130.00 150.00

Transform Your Space with the Hanging Nana Cocopot Black Metal Hanger Elegant and Durable Hanging Nana Cocopot for Any Decor Enhance Your Home with the Hanging Nana Cocopot Black Metal Hanger Stylish and Functional Hanging Nana Cocopot for Indoor and Outdoor Use Effortless Greenery: Hanging Nana Cocopot Black Metal Hanger

280.00 350.00

ransform your space with the Hanging Nana 10-Inch Coir Liner, a perfect blend of rustic charm and elegance. Crafted from eco-friendly coconut fibers, this coir liner adds a natural touch to any environment. Picture your vibrant flowers or lush green plants cascading beautifully in your living room, patio, or garden. The rich texture and earthy tones of the coir liner provide an ideal backdrop, turning your plants into a stunning focal point. Let the Hanging Nana 10-Inch Coir Liner infuse your home with the serene beauty of nature.

140.00 170.00

At Koyna Exports , We specialize in providing high-quality bedsheets, pillow covers, and terry towels that are crafted to enhance the comfort and luxury of hotel accommodations. Our products are meticulously designed using the finest materials and are tailored to meet the exacting standards of the hospitality industry. We understand the critical role that quality linens play in elevating the guest experience, which is why we ensure that each piece not only meets but exceeds expectations in terms of durability, softness, and aesthetic appeal. Our range of products is ideally suited for hotels and resorts seeking to offer their guests an unforgettable stay with superior comfort and style. Whether you are looking to refresh your existing inventory or are launching a new hospitality venture, Koyna Exports is committed to being your trusted partner in delivering exceptional hotel linens. We have successfully catered to esteemed clients across world .


We are supplier of Incense sticks from India. We have (4 in 1) type of Incense sticks in each packet which weighs 200 grams. They are Brown and Black in colour and you will get 4 types of fragrances which are the best fragrances respectively are Sandalwood, Kasturi (Musk), Meditational and Jasmine and you will get an Incense Stick Stand for free with it.

600.00 650.00

We are supplier of Copper water bottles from India. Benefits of Copper water bottle:- 1. Super a healthy Metabolism 2. Helps to provide body with Energy 3. Needs for proper Brain Function 4. May prevent Neuro-Degenerative Disease 5. Reduce symptoms of Arthritis 6. Maintains a healthy Nervous System 7. Helps build and maintain a healthy Skeleton Structure 8. Need for proper Growth and Development 9. Helps for balance Thyroid 10. Prevents Anemia or Low Iron Level 11. Needed for healthy Hair, Skin and Eyes

1500.00 1660.00

It is a new decorative Apple Shape Metal Planter Pot to elevate your living room décor with this unique apple-shaped metal planter, perfect for indoor plants. New Design Stand for Living Room & Balcony. This metal planter pot comes with a stylish new design stand, ideal for both living rooms and balconies. Enhance your indoor plants' appeal with the decorative apple shape metal planter pot, adding a modern touch to your space. The KGN Group featuring a distinctive apple shape, is perfect for beautifying your living room or balcony.

299.00 499.00

Elevate your culinary experience with the Muhoort Versatile Cheese, Garlic, and Ginger Grater. This multifunctional tool combines efficiency and elegance to enhance your kitchen creations. Features Multifunctional grater for cheeses, garlic, and ginger Durable stainless steel and food-grade plastic construction Detachable storage container for mess-free transfers Two grating sizes for varied culinary needs Ergonomic handle for comfortable grip

199.00 399.00

Multi Purpose Rack Suitable for Kitchen To Store Jars And Small Containers Also Used In Almira for organizing Cloths Also used for organizing shoes Product comes in the four layers each layer Height will be 7inchs total product weight around 850g product will be packed with polythene in cardboard box Box size will be Length :- 12 inchs Breadth :- 10 inchs Height :- 2 Inchs . Product Is Fully Made up of PP Fresh Material Base of the Product will be White in Color Stand Comes With the Base Will Be in Red Color (currently Available) Color Combination Will Be Customize According To The Customer Demand Minimum order Quantity Will Be 1000 Set

350.00 450.00

"Amazingly crafted with mango wood, this tray will surely keep your guests amazed. The Dhokra Art work on this tray is adding to the all over beauty. Disclaimer : given that this product is handmade and intricately designed; there may be slight variations in the product. such variations are inherent in the manufacturing of handmade products please do not consider this as a defect or a wrong delivery."

1370.00 4520.00

Enhance your dining experience with Muhoort Traditional Dry Fruits Box. This silver-toned box features 7 compartments for easy organization. Features Exquisite traditional dry fruit box Silver embossed design 7 compartments for easy organization Versatile and durable construction Ideal for gifting or daily use

459.00 799.00

Organize your kitchen spices in style with Muhoort Multipurpose Plastic Masala/Spice Box Container. This BPA-free container features 7 sections for easy access to your favorite spices. Features 7 convenient sections for versatile spice storage Airtight and leak-proof design for freshness Crafted from 100% food-grade BPA-free virgin plastic Compact size with dimensions of 18 cm diameter and 5 cm height Efficient organization for easy access to spices

279.00 499.00

Added Clay beads in long strings and small bells around the main Lamp shade will add life and peace to your space. Hang these set of 22 tassel Lamp shade wind chime bells indoors or semi shade and accentuate the beauty of your home! Fix a light inside the lamp shade to witness the beauty of those leaf cuts. Wiring provision (a hole) give on top of the shade.

5500.00 7000.00

A Beautiful Pair of Elephant Statues for Home Décor. These Elephant are hand crafted antique piece along with ethnic design shawl wrapped around the body. Elephants are the symbol of wisdom, power, strength ,fertility, wealth and good luck and They are regarded highly auspicious in Hindu and Buddhist Culture. It can be placed either indoor or semi shaded area.

2700.00 3600.00
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