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Get Dilaudid Online Discount Double ~~~~ We provide you with immediate access to the whole range of prescription drugs, including Dilaudid. One type of opioid painkiller is Dilaudid. A narcotic is another term for an opioid. Pain ranging from moderate to severe is treated with dilaudid. All of the potential applications for this medication may be listed in this medication guide, however not all of them may be. Consult your doctor if you have any questions about how to use this medication. One type of opioid painkiller is Dilaudid. A narcotic is another term for an opioid. Whether a patient receives a narcotic injection or a pill, it helps them feel better following the procedure. Adults with moderate to severe pain can find excellent relief with dilaudid.

Incorporation Type

Public Company

Nature of Business

Professional Services

No. of Employees

31 - 50 People

Industry Healthcare, Medical Supplies & Pharmaceuticals > Health Care Products

Location(s) Abbotts (United States) |

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