Company Profile - Savani Transports Pvt Limited | GlobalLinker Seller Platform

Savani Transports Pvt Limited

Mumbai, India

Company Verified

Verified as Savani Transports Pvt Limited

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Road Transport

National Logistics and Surface Transportation

Incorporation Type

Private Limited Company

Verified as Savani Transports Pvt Limited

Year of Establishment

February 1959

Nature of Business

Service Provider

No. of Employees

51 - 100 People

Annual Turnover Greater than ₹50 crore

Industry Logistics, Supply Chain & Packaging > Transportation

Location(s) Mumbai (India) |

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Key Contacts

Nayant Savani

Managing Director



Primary My Location

Head-office/Primary office

809A Broadway Centre 2nd Floor, Dr. Ambedkar Rd, Dadar(E)
Mumbai Maharashtra 400014

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