The GiTAGGED Channapatna Eco-friendly Dome Shape Groved Pen Stand in Yellow-Black is a beautifully crafted accessory made from Hale (Ivory) wood, renowned for its lightness and durability. Measuring 5 cm in length and 7.6 cm in height, this artisanal pen stand is not just a functional item but a representation of India's rich cultural heritage. Its unique dome shape and intricate groves, lacquered with vegetable dyes, ensure it stands out in any office or study. The use of sustainable materials underscores a commitment to eco-friendliness, offering a stylish yet responsible choice for businesses looking to enhance their workspace aesthetics while supporting traditional crafts. This product, a testament to the exquisite craftsmanship from Channapatna, Karnataka, bears a Geographical Indication (GI) status awarded in 2005-2006, making it a significant part of India's handicraft legacy. Handcrafted by the skilled artisan Shri Syed Azgar, each pen stand is a piece of artistry that guarantees uniqueness, bringing both sophistication and sustainability to your desk.
Key Features
Features | Description |
Material | Hale (Ivory) Wood |
Weight | 130 g |
Dimensions | Length: 5 cm, Height: 7.6 cm |
Lacquer Finish | Vegetable Dyes for Eco-Friendliness |
Origin | Channapatna District, Karnataka, India |
Craftsmanship | Handcrafted by Shri Syed Azgar |
Geographical Indication | GI Application No. 23, Awarded 2005 - 2006 |
Attributes | Description |
Shape | Dome Shape |
Color | Yellow-Black |
Crafting Technique | Wood turning on Lathe |
Sustainability | Eco-friendly materials & practices |
Market Application | Ideal for Office & Study Decor |
Contact for Queries | WhatsApp us at +91-7760300248 |
Key Words
*Disclaimer: This above description has been AI generated and has not been audited or verified for accuracy. It is recommended to verify product details independently before making any purchasing decisions.
Brand: Gitagged
Country of Origin: India
Material | Hale (Ivory) Wood |
Weight | 130 g |
Dimension | L � 5 cm, H � 7.6 cm |
Lacquer | Vegetable Dyes |
Real-time Images or Video | WhatsApp us on +91-***** |
Soft & Light Wood turned on a lathe and lacquered with Dyes extracted from Vegetables makes the craft Skin friendly and marks a perfect fusion of Tradition with Sophistication.
Period of Origin |
18th Century |
Country of Origin |
Persia (Iran) |
Geographical Region |
Channapatna District, Karnataka |
GI Application No. |
23 |
GI Status Awarded |
2005 � 2006 |
GI Product of India |
22nd |
Handcrafted By |
Shri Syed Azgar |
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