Robust Tubular plate Technology: Engineered for longevity, our positive spine grids are cast out of high pressure die casting machines with higher compression and packing of alloy with fine grain structure, ensuring longer life .
Superior Charge Acceptance: Unique tailor made Negative active material blend, infused with proven grades of Graphite + Carbon black mix to offer higher and quick charge acceptance characteristics
Trusted Design: Proven time tested woven Polyester bags with high active material retention, acid and Oxidation resistance assuring extended life.
Micro porous Ceramic plug cum level Indicator: Electrolyte level indicators in all the cells ensure no dry up and the ceramic plug ensures safety
Efficiency: Excels in meeting the Ah and Wh efficiency requirement of IS 13369.
Low Maintenance: Our Low antimony Selenium alloy and Green plate battery formation keeps the water loss level to a minimum.
Life cycle Excellence: All JC Tubular batteries deliver outstanding life cycle results