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"Pet Food"

Benefits and Compositions Benefits of Calcium & Minerals Feed Premix (Grow Cal D3 Feed Premix) for Poultry: Calcium & minerals feed premix is helpful for bone formation in growing chicks. Calcium & minerals feed premix protects from rickets to poultry. Calcium & minerals feed premix provide essential minerals required by poultry. Chicks need calcium and minerals for skeletal growth. Calcium & minerals Feed Premix is essential for layer poultry for better eggshell and egg quality. Composition: Each 1 kg contains Calcium: 320 gm Phosphorous: 60 gm Vitamin E: 500 mg Copper: 500 mg Cobalt: 60 mg Selenium: 0.4 mg Magnesium: 1200 mg Iron: 1500 mg Zinc: 2150 mg Iodine: 260 mg DL Methionine: 1500 mg L Lysine: 2400 mg Mixing Ratio: 1 to 1.5 kg. per ton of feed. Packaging: 1 kg, 5 kg, 10 kg, 25 kg Download Literature

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Benefits and Compositions Benefits of Liver Tonic with Probiotics (Growlive Care) for Poultry: Liver Tonic with Probiotics (Growlive Care) provides an additional nutrient in the form of Alfa Amylase, Papain, Protein Hydrolysate, and biotin to poultry. Liver Tonic with Probiotics (Growlive Care) is a supportive medication for poultry in toxic conditions, fatty liver conditions, and other hepatic disorders. Liver Tonic with Probiotics (Growlive Care) works as an appetizer to stimulate feed intake in birds. Liver Tonic with Probiotics (Growlive Care) improves FCR and weight gain in poultry. Composition: Each 100 ml contains Vitamin B1: 4 mg Vitamin B12: 3.5 mcg Liver Extract: 125 mg Choline Chloride: 300 mg Niacin: 30 mg D Panthenol: 3 mg Inositol: 2.5 mg Protein Hydrolysate: 25 mg Biotin: 2.5 mcg Lactobacillus Acidophilus: 2500 million CFU Dosage: Poultry (For 100 Birds) Broilers: 15 20 ml. Layers and Breeders: 20 25 ml. Packaging: 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 ltr, & 5 ltr Download Literature

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Benefits and Compositions Benefits of Chelated Minerals Supplements (Growmin Forte Plus) for Poultry: Growmin Forte Plus improves egg production and egg & eggshell quality in layer poultry. Growmin Forte Plus enhances growth, hatchability & fertility in all species of birds. Growmin Forte Plus improves carcass quality in poultry. Growmin Forte Plus overcome minerals and amino acid deficiency in poultry. Growmin Forte Plus Chelated Minerals protects from rickets in poultry. Growmin Forte Plus Chelated Minerals reduce the mortality of chicks. Composition: Each 100 ml contains MHA : 128 gm Choline Chloride : 64 gm Lysine Hydro Chloride : 64 gm Sodium : 450 mg Phosphorus : 154 mg Magnesium : 595 mg Zinc : 216 mg Ferrous (Iron) : 223 mg Copper : 160 mg Cobalt : 206 mg Manganese : 385 mg Dosage: Poultry (For 100 Birds) Broilers: 10 ml. Layers and Breeders:20 ml. Packaging: 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 ltr, & 5 ltr Download Literature

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Benefits and Compositions Benefits of Disinfectant Spray (Viraclean) for Poultry: Viraclean is very effective against viral & bacterial disease causing organisms in poultry. Viraclean is helpful for the prevention of infectious diseases in poultry. Viraclean is broad spectrum activity against bacteria (including pseudomonas) Viraclean is a complete "all in one" disinfectant for poultry. Viraclean disinfectant can be used in the presence of birds. Composition: Sodium Chloride: 1.5% w/w Salt containing Potassium Monopersulphate Potassium Hydrogen Sulphate / Potassium Sulphate: 49.6% w/w Buffer & Excipients : q.s. to 100% Dosage: For Poultry Farm: Spray 10 gm with 1 liter of water in and outside the farm. For Feeder, Drinker & Equipment: 10 gm with 1 liter of water. Packaging: 100 gm, 250 gm, 500 gm, 1 kg Download Literature

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Benefits and Compositions Benefits of Gout Medicine (Gout Suraksha) for Poultry: Gout Suraksha Keeps a healthy kidney and works as a kidney flusher for poultry. Gout Suraksha prevents the accumulation of uric acid in the body of poultry. Gout Suraksha prevents the formation of stones in poultry kidneys. Gout Suraksha is helpful in the treatment & prevention of Gout in poultry. Gout Suraksha prevents the mortality of birds due to Gout & kidney diseases. Gout Suraksha removes excess fluids from the body of poultry. Gout Suraksha prevents visceral and articular Gout of poultry. Gout Suraksha helps in the excretion of uric acid in poultry. Composition: Each 100 gm contains Potassium Citrate: 18 .00 gm Sodium Citrate: 15 .00 gm Vitamin B 1 : 32.00 gm Vitamin B 2 : 0.18 gm Vitamin K 3 : 0.15 gm Vitamin C: 0.60 gm Niacinamide: 0.50 gm Natural Immunostimulant Compound: 1.50 gm Organic Q S Dosage: Poultry (For 100 Birds) 5 10 gm with water. Packaging: 100 gm, 250 gm, 500 gm Download Literature

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Benefits and Compositions Benefits of Liver Feed Premix (Growlive Forte Feed Premix) for Poultry : Liver Feed Premix supports healthy liver function, repair, rejuvenate & regenerates liver cells in the hen. Liver Feed Premix improves digestion & feed absorption in poultry. Liver Feed Premix improves body weight & production in poultry. Liver Feed Premix improves FCR & hatchability in poultry. Liver Feed Premix enhances the growth and outstanding digestibility of poultry. Composition: Each 1 kg contains Thiocholine Citrate: 50 gm Protein Hydrolysate: 100 mg Vitamin B12: 80 mg Vitamin E: 8 mg Inositol: 1 gm Lysine: 4 gm D.L. Methionine: 4 gm Selenium: 7 mcg Biotin: 4 mg Fortified with Liver Extract: 4 gm Ferrous Sulfate: 8 gm Mixing Ratio: 1 to 1.5 kg. per ton of feed. Packaging: 1 kg, 5 kg, 10 kg, 25 kg Download Literature

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Benefits and Compositions Benefits of Immunity Booster (Immune Booster) for Poultry: Immune Booster helps in boosting Immunity, strength & vitality in poultry. It combats heat stress, protection against diseases, and improves performance & protection. Immune Booster is helpful for the speedy recovery of viral infections & diseases. Immune Booster reduce mortality and improve growth in poultry. Composition: Each 100 ml contains Vitamin E: 35 mg Selenium: 10 ppm Glycine: 100 mg Amla: 30 mg Sodium Citrate: 25 mg Potassium Chloride: 5 mg Manganese Sulphate: 7.5 mg Zinc Sulphate: 8.0 mg Yeast Extract: 35 mg Vitamin B 12 : 3 mcg In a base fortified with immune active polysaccharides Dosage: Poultry (For 100 Birds) Broilers: 10 15 ml. Layers and Breeders:15 20 ml. Packaging: 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 ltr, & 5 ltr Download Literature

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Benefits and Compositions Benefits of Liver Tonic (Growlive Forte ) for Poultry: Liver Tonic (Growlive Forte) supports healthy liver function, repair, rejuvenate & regenerates liver cells in the hen. Liver Tonic (Growlive Forte) improves digestion & feed absorption in poultry. Liver Tonic (Growlive Forte) improves body weight & production in poultry. Liver Tonic (Growlive Forte) improves FCR & hatchability in poultry. Composition:Each 10 ml contains Tricholine Citrate: 1500 mg Protein Hydrolysate: 100 mg Vitamin B12: 4 mcg Vitamin E: 20 mg Inositol: 10 mg Lysine: 56 mg DL Methionine: 10 mg Selenium: 7 mcg Biotin: 0.5 mg Ferrous Sulfate: 30 mg Dosage: Poultry (For 100 Birds) Broilers: 10 15 ml. Layers and Breeders:15 20 ml. Packaging: 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 ltr, & 5 ltr Download Literature

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Benefits and Compositions Benefits of Puppy Forte A : Puppy Forte A is fat soluble Vitamin A that is important for vision and improves quality skin and fur development and reproductive health of a dog and cat. It supports the immune system by making white blood cells that circulate in the body and scan for foreign invaders and cellular irregularities in dogs and cats. It is an essential vitamin that maintains nearly every organ system of dogs and cats, from the skeletal to the reproductive system. Vitamin A is a powerful antioxidant that prevents dogs and cats from getting sick. Puppy Forte A is vital for the growth and development of Pups and Kittens. Composition: Each 1 ml contains : Vitamin A : 1,00,000 iu Dosages : Adult Dogs and Cats: 5 ml twice a day. Pups and Kittens: 2 ml twice a day. Packaging: 100 ml & 200 ml Download Literature

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Benefits and Compositions Benefits of Immuno Plus : Immuno Plus helps to boost immunity, strength, and vitality in dogs and cats. It improves resistance power against diseases, stress, and viral infections in dogs and cats. It is helpful for a speedy recovery from viral infections post surgical operations and combats lactation stress in dogs and cats. It protects against diseases and improves performance and protection in dogs and cats. It is fulfilling mineral deficiency in dogs and cats. Composition: Each 10 ml contains Vitamin E : 35 mg Selenium : 10 ppm Glycine : 100 mg Amla : 30 mg Sodium Citrate : 25 mg Potassium Chloride : 5 mg Manganese Sulphate : 7.5 mg Zinc Sulphate : 8.0 mg Yeast Extract : 35 mg Vitamin B 12 : 3 mcg In a base fortified with immunoactive polysaccharides Dosages : Adult Dogs and Cats: 5 ml twice a day. Pups and Kittens: 2 ml twice a day. Packaging: 100 ml & 200 ml Download Literature

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Benefits and Compositions Benefits of Chelated Petomin Plus : Chelated Petomin Plus is a blend of chelated minerals better absorbed by dogs and cats. It helps to overcome minerals and amino acid deficiency in dogs and cats. It improves semen quality in male breeders and fertility in female breeders, boosting reproduction performance. Chelated Petomin Plus improves growth, mass body weight, and carcass quality in dogs and cats. It improves bone and skeletal abnormality and coat quality in dogs and cats. Composition: Each 100 ml contains MHA : 26 gm Choline Chloride : 13 gm Lysine Hydro Chloride : 13 gm Sodium : 90 mg Phosphorus : 31 mg Magnesium : 119 mg Zinc : 44 mg Ferrous (Iron) : 45 mg Copper : 32 mg Cobalt : 42 mg Manganese : 77 mg Dosages : Adult Dogs and Cats: 5 ml twice a day. Pups and Kittens: 2 ml twice a day. Packaging: 100 ml & 200 ml Download Literature

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Benefits and Compositions Benefits of Petvit Power: Petvit Power is an essential multivitamin that fulfills all necessary vitamin requirements of dogs and cats. Petvit Power is an anti aging tonic to prevent age related dietary insufficiency in senior pets. It is beneficial for improving fertility in female pets and improving semen quality in male pets. Petvit Power multivitamins are the foundation of balanced nutrition for dogs and cats. Petvit Power is helpful for weight gain and faster growth of pups and kittens. Petvit Power is boosting milk in nursing pets. Composition: Each 5 ml contains Vitamin A : 250000 IU Vitamin D 3 : 30000 IU Vitamin E : 150000 Vitamin C : 500 mg Vitamin B 12 : 100 mcg Selenium : 50 ppm Biotin : 25 mcg Lysine : 7.5 mg Choline Chloride : 50 mcg Methionine : 50 mg Dosages : Adult Dogs and Cats: 5 ml twice a day. Pups and Kittens: 2 ml twice a day. Packaging: 100 ml & 200 ml Download Literature

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Benefits and Compositions Benefits of Vitamin E Selenium (Grow E Sel) for Pet Birds: Vitamin E Selenium (Grow E Sel) prevents muscle atrophies and muscle stiffness spasms in pet birds. Vitamin E Selenium (Grow E Sel) is effective against low fertility, hatchability & immuno suppression in pet birds. Vitamin E Selenium (Grow E Sel) increases fertility and improves egg laying in pet birds. Vitamin E Selenium (Grow E Sel) is a good antioxidant for pet birds. Vitamin E Selenium (Grow E Sel) prevents muscle atrophies and muscle stiffness spasms in pet birds. Composition: Each 100 gram contains Vitamin E: 10 gm Selenium: 100 ppm Biotin: 10 mcg Vitamin C: 1 mg Inert Carrier q.s Download Literature

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Benefits and Compositions Benefits of Electrolytes (Electral Energy) for Pet Birds: Electrolytes (Electral Energy) 's primary role lies in maintaining pet birds' body ionic and water balance. Electrolytes (Electral Energy) help replenish the loss of electrolytes when the birds suffer from heat stress and dehydration. Electrolytes (Electral Energy) promote the absorption of crucial nutrients, especially when birds are sick or stressed. Probiotics in Electrolytes (Electral Energy) support bird gut health and immunity. Electrolytes (Electral Energy) regulate hydration, nerve and muscle activity, and cellular functions. Vitamin C is an antioxidant essential for a pet bird's immune health. Composition: Each 100 grams contains Sodium Chloride : 1.5 gm Potassium Chloride : 5.0 gm Glycine : 3.5 gm Manganese Sulphate : 6.5 gm Magnesium Sulphate : 1.7 gm Calcium Lactate : 1.5 gm Sodium Bicarbonate : 1.0 gm Sodium Citrate : 2.5 gm Vitamin C : 1.2 gm Calcium Hypophosphite :0.8 gm Lactobacillus Acidophilus:2500 million CFU In Instant Energy Base :q.s. Download Literature

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Benefits and Compositions Benefits of Gout Medicine (Gout Suraksha) for Pet Birds: Parrot family birds are more frequently affected by Gout. Gout disease is most often seen in older budgies, cockatiels, and parrots. Treatment of Gout in pet birds is should be given Gout Suraksha, for 100 birds 3 5 gm. with water. Sign of Gout in Pet Birds: A bird with gout finds it more comfortable to sit on a flat surface than perch. The bird gets raucous as a result of discomfort when compelled to walk. It could also have greenish diarrhea, depression, and dehydration. The bird will also appear lifeless, with ruffled feathers and a damp vent. Composition: Each 100 gm contains Potassium Citrate: 18 .00 gm Sodium Citrate: 15 .00 gm Vitamin B 1 : 32.00 gm Vitamin B 2 : 0.18 gm Vitamin K 3 : 0.15 gm Vitamin C: 0.60 gm Niacinamide: 0.50 gm Natural Immunostimulant Compound: 1.50 gm Organic Q S Download Literature

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Benefits and Compositions Benefits of Disinfectant Spray (Viraclean) for Pet Birds: Viraclean disinfectant can protect pet birds from bacterial, viral, and parasitic diseases. Viraclean disinfectant is a broad spectrum disinfectant effective against viral and fungal organisms that can cause disease in pet birds. It should spread regularly in and outside birdhouses, and the feeding pot should be disinfected regularly. Composition: Sodium Chloride: 1.5% w/w Salt containing Potassium Monopersulphate Potassium Hydrogen Sulphate / Potassium Sulphate: 49.6% w/w Buffer & Excipients : q.s. to 100% Download Literature

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Benefits and Compositions Benefits of Chelated Minerals Supplements (Growmin Forte Plus) for Pet Birds Growmin Forte Plus Chelated Minerals improve the immune response system, which helps protect birds from disease and infection. Growmin Forte Plus improves the egg & eggshell quality of pet birds. Growmin Forte Plus enhances the growth, hatchability & fertility of pet birds. Growmin Forte Plus Chelated Minerals improve growth rates, skin and coat, feathering, and coloration of pet birds. Composition: Each 100 ml contains MHA : 128 gm Choline Chloride : 64 gm Lysine Hydro Chloride : 64 gm Sodium : 450 mg Phosphorus : 154 mg Magnesium : 595 mg Zinc : 216 mg Ferrous (Iron) : 223 mg Copper : 160 mg Cobalt : 206 mg Manganese : 385 mg Download Literature

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Benefits and Compositions Benefits of Vitamin E Selenium (Grow E Sel Power) for Pet Birds: Vitamin E Selenium prevents muscle atrophies and muscle stiffness spasms in pet birds. Vitamin E Selenium is effective against low fertility, hatchability & immuno suppression in pet birds. Vitamin E Selenium increases fertility and improves egg laying in pet birds. Vitamin E Selenium is an excellent antioxidant for pet birds. Composition: Each 100 ml contains Vitamin E: 10 gm Selenium: 100 ppm Biotin : 10 mcg Inert Carrier q.s. Download Literature

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Benefits and Compositions Benefits of Liver Tonic with Probiotics (Growlive Care) for Pet Birds: Growlive Care provides additional probiotics and vitamins to pet birds. Growlive Care protects pet birds from toxic effects. Growlive Care improves the digestion system of pet birds. Growlive Care improves the feed intake of pet birds. Growlive Care fulfills the requirements of Vitamins, Amino Acids, and Probiotics for pet birds. Composition: Each 100 ml contains Vitamin B1: 4 mg Vitamin B12: 3.5 mcg Liver Extract: 125 mg Choline Chloride: 300 mg Niacin: 30 mg D Panthenol: 3 mg Inositol: 2.5 mg Protein Hydrolysate: 25 mg Biotin: 2.5 mcg Lactobacillus Acidophilus: 2500 million CFU Download Literature

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Benefits and Compositions Benefits of Water Sanitizer (Aquacure ) for Pet Birds: Water Sanitizer (Aquacure) removes dirt deposits from water and keeps the drinking & bathing water clean, safe & hygienic for pet birds. Water Sanitizer (Aquacure) stimulates metabolism, promotes gut health, and improves digestion of pet birds. Water Sanitizer (Aquacure) kills pathogens from water that cause diseases, i.e., bacteria, viruses, mycoplasma, fungi, and protozoans in pet birds. Water Sanitizer (Aquacure) prevents the spread of waterborne disease in pet birds. Composition: Each 100 ml contains BKC Solution: (Benzalkonium Chloride I.P) :18% V/V Citric Acid I.P : 24% W/V . Inert Ingredients qs Download Literature

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Benefits and Compositions Benefits of Immunity Booster (Immune Booster) for Pet Birds: Immune Booster helps in boosting Immunity, strength & vitality in pet birds. Immune Booster combats any stress, protects against diseases, improves performance & protects pet birds. Immune Booster is helpful for a speedy recovery of viral infections & diseases in pet birds. Immune Boosters reduce mortality and improve growth in pet birds. Composition: Each 100 ml contains Vitamin E: 35 mg Selenium: 10 ppm Glycine: 100 mg Amla: 30 mg Sodium Citrate: 25 mg Potassium Chloride: 5 mg Manganese Sulphate: 7.5 mg Zinc Sulphate: 8.0 mg Yeast Extract: 35 mg Vitamin B 12 : 3 mcg In a base fortified with immune active polysaccharides Download Literature

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Benefits and Compositions Benefits of Disinfectant Spray (Viraclean) for Aquaculture: Viraclean disinfectant effectively disinfects ponds without stressing fish and prawns. Viraclean disinfectant helps to maintain excellent water quality. Viraclean disinfectant controls pathogenic bacteria (Vibrio), fungi, protozoa, and spores. Viraclean disinfectant oxidizes dead plankton. Viraclean disinfectant removes harmful gases from the pond's bottom. Viraclean disinfectant increases dissolved oxygen levels. Viraclean disinfectant results in disease free, healthy shrimp and fish. Composition: Sodium Chloride: 1.5% w/w Salt containing Potassium Monopersulphate Potassium Hydrogen Sulphate / Potassium Sulphate: 49.6% w/w Buffer & Excipients : q.s. to 100% Dosage: Aqua Farm: 500 gm per acre for pond sanitization and disinfection. Packaging: 100 gm, 250 gm, 500 gm, 1 kg Download Literature

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Benefits and Compositions Benefits of Water Sanitizer (Aquacure ) for Aquaculture : Water Sanitizer (Aquacure) controls bacterial, fungal, and algal disease and certain protozoans, like Zoothamnium. Water Sanitizer (Aquacure) De Odorizes and purifies pond water. It is specially prepared for safe use in aquaculture. Water Sanitizer (Aquacure) promotes good water quality, inhabits algae growth, and kills fungus. Water Sanitizer (Aquacure) is helpful to control gill disease. It induces molting in shrimps/prawns in a faster and safer manner. Composition: Each 100 ml contains BKC Solution: (Benzalkonium Chloride I.P) :18% V/V Citric Acid I.P : 24% W/V . Inert Ingredients qs Dosage: For Aqua Ponds: 500 ml for each 1 acre & water depth 1 to 1.5 meter. Cleaning: 10 ml in 10 liters of water. Packaging: 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 ltr, & 5 ltr Download Literature

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Benefits and Compositions Benefits of Trace Minerals (Growel Trace Minerals) for Aquaculture: Growel Trace Minerals functionally support hormone, enzyme, and cell metabolic activities. Growel Trace Minerals improves the growth rate and enhances the biomass at harvest. Growel Trace Minerals improves primary production and enhances the development of phytoplankton Growel Trace Minerals improves the growth, molting, and survival rate of shrimps Growel Trace Minerals maintain the optimal mineral profile in the water, soil, and shrimp Growel Trace Minerals are essential for fish and are involved in the normal metabolism and life processes. Composition: Each 1 kg. contains Manganese Sulphate: 120 gm Zinc Sulphate: 120 gm Ferrous Sulphate: 20 gm Copper Sulphate: 4000 mg Cobalt Chloride : 200 mg Potassium Iodide : 200 mg Sodium Selenite: 40 mg Mixing Ratio for Feed Formulation: 1 to 1.5 kg. per ton of feed. Packaging: 1 kg, 5 kg, 10 kg, 25 kg Download Literature

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Benefits and Compositions Benefits of Liver Feed Premix (Growlive Forte Feed Premix) for Aquaculture: Liver Feed Premix increases the average daily feed intake and weight of fish, shrimp, and prawns. Liver Feed Premix works as a production enhancer, stimulates liver function, corrects liver dysfunction, optimizes liver activity, improves the efficiency of digestion and feed conversion, and corrects inappetence in aquaculture. Liver Feed Premix prevents liver diseases and regenerates hepatocytes in aqua. Liver feed premix improves FCR and feed efficiency in fish, shrimp, and prawns. Composition: Each 1 kg contains Thiocholine Citrate: 50 gm Protein Hydrolysate: 100 mg Vitamin B12: 80 mg Vitamin E: 8 mg Inositol: 1 gm Lysine: 4 gm D.L. Methionine: 4 gm Selenium: 7 mcg Biotin: 4 mg Fortified with Liver Extract: 4 gm Ferrous Sulfate: 8 gm For Regular Use: large animals 50 gm with feed and small animals 25 gm with feed. Packaging: 1 kg, 5 kg, 10 kg, 25 kg Download Literature

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Benefits and Compositions Benefits of Immune Booster Feed Premix for Aquaculture: Immune Booster Feed Premix, building resistance power against diseases and stress of fish and prawns. Immune Booster Feed Premix helps in speedy recovery from a viral infection of fish and prawns. Immune Booster Feed Premix prevents clinical and sub clinical infection of fish & prawns. Immune Booster Feed Premix boosts fish and prawns' general health and productivity. Immune Booster Feed Premix is better for the weight and growth of fish and prawns. Composition: Each 10 gm contains Vitamin E: 35 mg Selenium: 10 ppm Glycine: 100 mg Amla: 30 mg Sodium Citrate: 25 mg Potassium Chloride: 5 mg Manganese Sulphate: 7.5 mg Zinc Sulphate: 8.0 mg Yeast Extract: 35 mg Vitamin B 12 : 3 mcg In a base fortified with immune active polysaccharides Mixing Ratio : 2 to 3 kg. per ton of feed. Packaging: 1 kg, 5 kg, 10 kg, 25 kg Download Literature

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Benefits and Compositions Benefits of Vitamin B Feed Premix (Grow B Plex Feed Premix) for Aquaculture: Vitamin B Feed Premix (Grow B Plex Feed Premix) improves weight gain, immunity, and feed intake in aqua. Vitamin B Feed Premix (Grow B Plex Feed Premix) improves growth and production & brings vitality back to fish. Vitamin B Feed Premix (Grow B Plex Feed Premix) improves hatchability & reduces mortality in aqua. Composition: Each 100 gram contains Vitamin B1 : 100 mg Vitamin B2 : 30 mg Vitamin B6 : 40 mg Vitamin B12 : 50 mcg Vitamin E : 25 mg Methionine: 2420 mg Lysine: 500 mg Niacinamide: 500 mg Biotin: 1 mg Calcium Pantothenate: 60 mg Choline Chloride: 540 mg Iron: 5 mg Copper: 1.5 mg Cobalt: 100 mcg Manganese: 4.5 mg Iodine: 5 mg Magnesium: 8 mg Zinc: 1 mg Selenium: 2 mg Mixing Ratio: 2 to 3 kg. per ton of feed. Packaging: 1 kg, 5 kg, 10 kg, 25 kg Download Literature

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Benefits and Compositions Benefits of Calcium (Grow Cal D3) for Pet Birds: Calcium (Grow Cal D3) is one of the most essential minerals required for pet birds. Calcium (Grow Cal D3) is required for pet birds' bone, skeletal growth, and strength. For better egg laying and binding, calcium (Grow Cal D3) is essential for pet birds. Calcium (Grow Cal D3) improves fertility in birds. Composition: Each 100 ml contains Calcium Organic: 1700 mg Vitamin D3: 8,000 I.U. Vitamin B12: 100 mcg Carbohydrate: 400 mg Phosphorus: 850 mg Zinc: 90 mg Magnesium: 150 mg Download Literature

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Benefits and Compositions Benefits of Multivitamins (Growvit Power) for Pet Birds: Multivitamins (Growvit Power) maintain healthy growth, full feathering, and brilliant color of pet birds. Multivitamins (Growvit Power) improve health, growth resistance to diseases, fertility, and hatchability in pet birds. Multivitamins (Growvit Power) are helpful for better breeding, egg laying, and egg quality of birds. Multivitamins (Growvit Power) is the most powerful multivitamins supplement for pet birds that contain Vitamin A, Vitamin D3, Vitamin E, Vitamin B12, Selenium, Biotin, Lysine, Choline, and Methionine. Composition:Each 10 ml contains Vitamin A: 120000 IU Vitamin D3: 60000 IU Vitamin E: 500 mg Vitamin B12: 200 mcg Selenium: 100 ppm Biotin: 0.50 mg Lysine: 100 mg Choline: 100 mg Methionine: 100 mg Download Literature

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Benefits and Compositions Benefits of Liver Tonic (Growlive Forte ) for Pet Birds: Liver Tonic (Growlive Forte) improves feed intake and liver health and enhances the digestion of pet birds. Liver Tonic (Growlive Forte) improves egg production, hatchability, and weight gain of pet birds. Liver Tonic (Growlive Forte) enhances the growth and liveability of pet birds. Composition:Each 10 ml contains Tricholine Citrate: 1500 mg Protein Hydrolysate: 100 mg Vitamin B12: 4 mcg Vitamin E: 20 mg Inositol: 10 mg Lysine: 56 mg DL Methionine: 10 mg Selenium: 7 mcg Biotin: 0.5 mg Ferrous Sulfate: 30 mg Dosage: Pet Birds: 5 ml. with 200 ml of water or soak with food Packaging: 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 ltr, & 5 ltr Download Literature

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Benefits and Compositions Benefits of Vitamin B (Grow B Plex) for Pet Birds: Vitamin B (Grow B Plex) is a water soluble vitamin; pet birds need these vitamins for good feather health, increased growth and development, and to prevent restlessness. Vitamin B (Grow B Plex) protects pet birds from disease, and It helps to improve immunity, feather quality, weight gain, egg production, and hatchability. Compositions:Each 10 ml contains Vitamin B1: 10 mg Vitamin B2 : 3 mg Vitamin B6: 4 mg Vitamin B 12: 5 mcg Vitamin E: 2.50 mg Methionine: 242 mg Lysine: 50 mg Niacinamide: 50 mg Biotin: 0.10 mg Calcium Pantothenate: 6 mg Choline Chloride: 54 mg Iron: 0.50 mg Copper: 0.150 mg Cobalt: 10.10 mcg Manganese: 0.450 mg Iodine: 0.52 mg Magnesium: 0.08 mg Zinc: 0.0130 mg Selenium: 0.022 mg Dosage: Pet Birds: 5 ml. with 200 ml of water or soak with food Packaging: 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 ltr, & 5 ltr Download Literature

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Benefits and Compositions Benefits of Vitamin A (Growvit A) for Pet Birds: Vitamin A is vital to avian health and is crucial for a healthy immune system. Vitamin A supplementing treats nasal discharge, sneezing, periorbital swelling, conjunctivitis, dyspnea, polyuria and polydipsia, poor feather quality, feather picking, and anorexia in pet birds. Vitamin A deficiency can also affect the internal organs of birds and cause disorders in any system, such as the reproductive, digestive, or respiratory systems. Vitamin A is necessary for birds like parakeets, parrots, cockatoos, and canaries (white recessive) because they do not produce or insufficiently produce Vitamin A. Composition: Each 100 ml contains Vitamin A : 5,00,000 IU Download Literature

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