Company Profile - NWDCo Software Solutions LLP | GlobalLinker Seller Platform

NWDCo Software Solutions LLP

Mumbai, India

Company Verified

Verified as NWDCo Software Solutions LLP

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Website Development, Web Software Development, Cloud Solutions

Innovative Websolutions starting from Website Development, Cloud Hosting, Cloud Backup & Consultancy, Web based software development, Integration & Implementation, eCommerce Portals, Mobile Apps

Incorporation Type


Verified as NWDCo Software Solutions LLP

Year of Establishment

April 2001

Nature of Business

Service Provider / Professional Services

Annual Turnover ₹25 lac - ₹1 crore

Industry Digital & Technology > Technology & Related Services

Location(s) Mumbai (India) |

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Key Contacts

Nishir Gordhandas

Director - Sales & Marketing



Primary My Location

Head-office/Primary office

19, 3rd Floor, Hi Life, PM Road, Santacruz West
Mumbai Maharashtra 400054

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