Groundnut oil, also known as peanut oil or arachis oil, is a vegetable oil that has many uses: Taste and appearance Groundnut oil is a light yellow, transparent oil with a pleasant fragrance and taste. Composition Groundnut oil is high in monounsaturated fat and low in saturated fat. It contains over 80% unsaturated fatty acids, including 41.2% oleic acid and 37.6% linoleic acid. Uses Groundnut oil is used for cooking, as a shortening, and as a base for confectioneries. It's also used to make peanut butter. Smoke point Groundnut oil has a high smoke point (437°F or 225°C), making it a popular choice for frying foods. Flavor Groundnut oil has a mild or neutral flavor, but if made with roasted peanuts, it has a stronger peanut flavor and aroma.