Yuktix GidaBits Weather Station is a Solar Powered Automatic weather station that comes with 8 sensor by default. Air Temperature Air Humidity Rainfall Wind Speed Wind Direction Solar Radiation Leaf Wetness Soil Moisture Other sensors like Soil EC, Soil Temperature, and Soil NPK can be added on demand. The devices come with a 7.4V, 10 AH battery with up to 10 days of battery backup, configurable sampling interval from as low as 1 miniature, Local SD for data storage and synchronization, and Bluetooth connectivity for easy debugging.


Yuktix GidaBits Soil Sensor node is a solar-powered device with an Air Temperature, Air Humidity, and Soil Volumetric Water Content sensor. The device captures the data from your farm in real time and pushes it to the cloud using either 4G or Xbee + 4G ( In case if number of sensing points required is more ). The software on the cloud uses this data along with Weather Forecast, Stage of the crop, ETO, Soil type, and drip layout information to provide recommendations of the amount of water to be used for irrigation. Who can use it Horticulture crop growers like Vineyards, Fruit orchards Greenhouses Research Institutes Impact Save water up to 50% used in Irrigation Optimize water usage - avoid excess, avoid less Disease and Insect forecast -> using Temperature and Humidity up to 60% accuracy Weather Forecast PoP ( Package of Practice ) Agronomist access


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