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Dr. Reckeweg Bio Combination 6 (20g)

Dr. Reckeweg Bio Combination 6 (20g)

Also known as Bc 6, Bio Comb 6, Bio Comb No 6 Properties Weight 75 (gms) Dimensions 4 (cm) x 4 (cm) x 7.5 (cm) Dr. Reckeweg Bio Combination 6 BC 6-Cough Cold &Catarrh Composition of Dr. Reckeweg Bio Combination 6 Kalium muriaticum - 3x Natrum muriaticum - 6x Ferrum phosphoricum - 3x Natrum sulphuricum - 3x Magnesia phosphorica - 3x Indications of Dr. Reckeweg Bio Combination 6 Indicated in acute inflammatory. Ferbile catarrhal conditions of cough, cold. Headache, pain in chest, bronchitis, rattling hollow cough. Action of Biochemic medicine in Dr. Reckeweg Bio Combination 6 Kalium muriaticum - 3x Chronic, catarrhal conditions of the middle ear, Snapping and noises in the ear. Stuffy cold Tonsils inflamed, enlarged so much, can hardly breathe. Natrum muriaticum - 6x Violent, fluent coryza, lasting from one to three days, then changing into stoppage of nose, making breathing difficult. Cough, with bursting pain in head. Respiration; difficult (dyspnea); after exertion; physical exertion. Ferrum phosphoricum - 3x Hard, dry cough, with sore chest Hoarseness Short, painful tickling cough, running or blocked nose, First stage of cold on head. Natrum sulphuricum - 3x Nasal catarrh, with thick, yellow discharge and salty mucus nose; discharge from nose; thick;Constant desire to take deep, long breath, Cough, with thick, ropy, greenish expectoration; chest feels all gone. Magnesia phosphorica - 3x Soreness and stiffness of throat specially right side; parts seem puffy, With chilliness, and aching all over. Dry tickling cough, with chest pain, difficulty in lying down. Dosage of Dr. Reckeweg Bio Combination 6 Adults : 4 tablets every three hours or four times a day. Children : 1 to 2 tablets 4 times a day. Terms and Conditions Homeopathic products have several uses and should be taken on the basis of symptom similarity. Results may vary depending upon the conditions. Allergic Rhinitis Causes : Seasonal allergies during the spring and fall season Outdoor allergens like pollen Having asthma or atopic eczema increase your risk Cigarette smoke chemicals Cold temperatures humid air Pollution and strong perfume smell Symptoms : Sneezing Runny nose Stuffy nose Itchy nose A sore or scratchy throat coughing Itchy watery eyes with dark circles under the eyes Frequent headaches Excessive Cough Causes : Viral Infection Exposure to pollutants and allergic response Chronic lung diseases Irritation or throat infection Cold and flu Allergic Rhinitis and sinusitis Heart related ventricle or valve troubles Symptoms : Coughing with phlegm or dry cough Pain in chest while coughing Redness of throat with irritation Difficulty in breathing Constant clearing of throat Pain in abdomen due to coughing Bronchitis Causes : Smoking Inhalation of air pollutants(dust or toxic gases) Lung infection Low Immunity Occupational exposure to strong acids Symptoms : Cough with phlegm Shortness of breath Slight fever and chills Mild headache or body aches Productive cough that lasts for months Fatigue and chest discomfort Conjunctivitis Causes : Bacterial and Viral infection Allergy to pollens Traumatic injuries or Chemical injuries Hospital infections Bad hygiene conditions Symptoms : Red watery eyes with discharge Swelling of eyelids Sensitivity to light Itching of eyes with white discharge Burning of eyes

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