About Product: Useful in Loss of Appetite Sprue Worms Anaemia Vomiting and Piles. Dosage: 1-2 tablet twice daily or, as directed by the physician.


About Product: Useful in Sprue Diarrhoea Dysentery Indigestion & Anorexia. Dosage: 1-2 tablet twice daily or, as directed by the physician.


About Product: Useful in Different Kinds of Vata Related Diseases. Dosage: 1-2 tablet twice daily or, as directed by the physician.


About Product: Useful in Cough Cold Rhinitis Strengthens Heart and Lungs. Dosage: 1-2 tablet twice daily or, as directed by the physician.


About The Product Agnivesh Garabhchint Ras, are tablets used for complications related to pregnancy which include anaemia, nausea and vomiting. Beyond pregnancy concerns, its benefits extend to regulating irregular menstrual flows. Key Ingredients� Ras Sindoor (Red Sulphide of Mercury): helps with anaemia, increases immunity and strengthens the body. Rajat Bhasma (Silver (Calcined): Regulates and cleanses the reproductive system. Lauh Bhasma (Iron (Calcined): �it increases the body�s iron levels Karpoor (Camphor): provides relief from cold and cough�


About the product Agnivesh Nasht Pushpantak Ras tablets are used to enhance male and female fertility and also help with gynaecological disorders. It even helps in balancing your Vaata, Pitta and Kapha.� Key Ingredients� Laung - they help in increasing testosterone levels and aid erectile dysfunction. Danti - It facilitates the easy removal of waste items. Rasna - Effective in treating gynaecological disorders like amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea. Rajat Bhasma - Regulates and cleanses the reproductive system even leading to an increase in the sperm count.�


About Product: Useful in Enlargement of Spleen. Dosage: 1-2 tablet twice daily or, as directed by the physician.


About Product: Useful in Blocked nose Sinus Pharyngitis & Tonsilitis Vision Problems Dosage: As directed by the Physician.


About Product: Useful in Maintaining Stamina Promote Tone & Strength. Improves Vitality. Dosage: As directed by the Physician.


About Product: Agnivesh Godanti Bhasma, is an ayurvedic formulation made with the goodness of the herbal ingredient Godanti which is packed with the richness of calcium and sulphur. It helps detoxify, heal and soothe the body from headaches and chronic fever. �� Key Ingredients: Shuddha Godanti (Gypsum) (Purified): Eases discomfort in cases of cough and headaches. Key Benefits� It is helpful in leucorrhoea and restores the balance of the pitta dosh. This powder is beneficial in alleviating the symptoms of headaches and respiratory conditions.� Furthermore, it also helps in anaemia.�


About Product: Our Punarnavadi Mandoor Lauh with its anti-inflammatory properties helps strengthen the digestive system, and also helps in treating: Jaundice Anaemia Edema Ascites Liver Dysfuction Dosage: 250-750 mg in the morning and evening with an equal quantity of water or, as directed by the Physician.


About The Product For a healthy menstrual cycle, Agnivesh Pradarantak Lauh tablets are extremely beneficial. It helps to treat various conditions such as Leucorrhoea and discomfort in the lower abdominal area. It even increases overall strength in the body leading to a healthy digestive system.� Key Ingredients� Tamra Bhasma (Copper) (Calcined) - Helps in abdominal pain and loss of appetite� Marich (Piper nigrum)- provides relief to bronchi infections and cough� Amlaki (Emblica officinalis) - enhances the immune system by balancing all three doshas in the body.� Sounth (Zingiber officinal) - acts as an antioxidant and reduces inflammation.�


About The Product Made with all-natural herbs, Agnivesh Trinkantmani Pishthi tablets are ayurvedic tablets helpful in conditions related to diarrhoea, dysentery and imbalance in the pitta levels. The tablets also assist in the elimination of epistaxis and haemorrhoids.� Key Ingredients Trinakantmani Shodhit (Amber of Succinite (Purified): helps provide relief from heavy blood flows, and relieves headaches and dizziness. Helps to restore balance in all three doshas.�


About The� Product Your natural remedy to maintain your glucose levels. This ayurvedic formulation is a mix of medicinal herbs which is useful in diabetes and female ovum problems. It even helps with urine-related issues. Key Ingredients� Shuddha Naag (Lead) (Calcined): used for the treatment of painful urination, heartburn, diabetes mellitus and constipation. It treats the disease caused by abnormalities in Vata and Kapha levels.� Shuddha Yasad (zinc) (calcined): it increases the zinc component which prevents diabetes and urinary disorders.�


About Product: For a healthy immune system, Agnivesh Vrihant Purnchandra Ras tablets are made with all-natural ingredients. These tablets are helpful in dyspnea conditions along with sexual disorders. It is a natural remedy for respiratory issues including asthma, cough and bronchitis.� � Key Ingredients: Shuddha Parad (Mercury) (Purified): Substances used to eliminate contagious microorganisms that prevent sepsis. Shuddha (Gandhak) (sulphur) (Purified): Used to reduce the growth of harmful bacteria in your body and decrease bleeding. Rajat Bhasma (Silver Calcined): Helps with dizziness and memory loss. Bung Bhasma (Stannum) (Calcined): Assists in gastrointestinal issues. � Key Benefits: It aids in increasing your nutritive intake thus overcoming weakness in the body. Presence of heavy metals assists in anti-ageing therapy. This formulation also helps in digestive disorders.


About Product: Revitalize your immune system with the help of Agnivesh Shuddha Shilajeet tablets. These herbal tablets have anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties which help ease memory loss and strengthen your body. Additionally, they help ease symptoms of diabetes.� � Key Ingredients: Haritaki (Terminalia chebula): Makes the body more resistant to infections by boosting immunity Bibhitak (Terminalia belerica): Helps to maintain the blood sugar level in the body Amalaki (Emblica officinalis): Helps to improve the functioning of the heart, liver and lungs. Shilajeet (Asphaltum): Helps to fight against bone loss and acts as an antioxidant to build the body�s immunity.� � Key Benefits� Helps to balance blood sugar level thereby producing insulin to help with diabetes. Assists in the enhancement of muscles and bone strength.� The presence of Shilajeet helps in restoring the balance of all three doshas.�


About Product: Useful in all kinds of Fever. Dosage: 125mg to 250mg to be taken in the morning & evening or as directed by the Physician.


About Product: Agnivesh Nag tablets are an all-herbal potent tablet made with the essence of Nag Bhasma which is a vital ingredient in problems related to gynaecology. An ayurvedic supplement is known to ease diabetes and general debility. It assists in managing blood sugar levels.� � Key Ingredients: Naag Bhasma (Plumbum (Calcined): Helps with chronic constipation and eases menstrual pain. � Key Benefits Rich in minerals like calcium and iron increases the body�s metabolism Also helps in insulin production thus balancing the blood sugar level Allievates conditions related to frequent urination and piles.�


About Product: Agnivesh Gomed Bhasma is used to enhance Vata and Pitta doshas by increasing the physical strength of the body. The ingredients used in this product help minimize the risks of heart problems as well as increase the individual�s appetite. This product brings equilibrium to the body.� � Key Ingredients: Shuddha Gomeda (Oryx) (Purified): Assists in the overall well-being of the brain. � Key Benefits� Helps to enhance the digestive system Assists in removing negativity from the mind and bringing positive emotions. Increases mental alertness and memory. Helpful in cough & fever. Helps in heart condition.� �


About Product: Agnivesh Makardhwaj tablets are a classic ayurvedic herbal remedy infused with the goodness of Swarna Patra (Gold Foil), Shuddha Parad (Mercury) and Shuddha Gandhak (Sulphur) which assist in boosting your immunity naturally and help keep your vitals stable. These herbal tablets also help with general fever by providing essential nutrients to the body.� � Key Ingredients Shuddha Swarna Patra (Gold Foil) (Purified): It helps to promote cardiac functioning and improves memory power and retention.� Shuddha Parad (Mercury) (Purified): Substances used to eliminate contagious microorganisms that prevent sepsis. Shuddha Gandhak (Sulphur) (Purified): Used to reduce the growth of harmful bacteria in your body and decrease bleeding. Key Benefits It helps to maintain your vitality and stamina. It also helps in alleviating the symptoms of fever.� Additionally, it acts as a natural energy booster for individuals.�


About Product: Agnivesh Siddha Makaradhwaj with Gold is an ayurvedic formulation that fortifies the immune system and helps keep weakness at rest. The ingredients used in this help rejuvenate your vitals thus, strengthening your muscles and improving your cognitive functions as well.� � Key Ingredients: Swarna Bhasma (Gold) (Calcined): Improves strength and immunity which help fight against infections Shuddha Gandhak (Sulphur) (Purified): Used to reduce the growth of harmful bacteria in your body and decrease bleeding. Shuddha Parad (Mercury) (Purified): Substances used to eliminate contagious microorganisms that prevent sepsis. � Key Benefits Helps in the enhancement of the immune system. Infuses strength in the body to fight against germs and bacteria.�� In addition to this, it helps with memory loss and retention.


About Product: Discover relief with Agnivesh Ras Sindoor tablets. These herbal tablets assist in soothing your throat and clearing the air passage for the patients, allowing them to breathe freely. They further increase strength and energy in the body which helps you conquer your day with confidence & freshness.� Key Ingredients: Shuddha Parad (Mercury) (Purified): Substances used to eliminate contagious microorganisms that prevent sepsis. Shuddha Gandhak (Sulphur) (Purified): Used to reduce the growth of harmful bacteria in your body and decrease bleeding. Key Benefits It helps in fortifying your immune system by elevating your vitamins and minerals to a notable level.� It also assists in respiratory conditions including asthma and bronchitis. It gives a surge of energy and helps strengthen the body.�


About Product: Our Putpakwa Visham Jwarantak Lauh (With Gold) with its anti-inflammatory properties helps wellness, and helps in� Chronic Malarial Fever General Debility Blood Promotor Dosage: 1-2 tablet twice or thrice daily or, as directed by the physician.


About Product: Agnivesh Rasraj Ras tablets with gold are infused with ingredients rich in antioxidants and help soothe neuro-muscular disorders including paralysis, locked jaw and dizziness. These tablets also help balance Vatta dosh by alleviating the diseases causing the problems � Key Ingredients: Ras Sindoor (Red Sulphide of Mercury): Helps to fortify your immune system to fight against germs causing bacteria.� Abhrak Bhasma (Mica (Calcined): Helps in improving digestion Swarna Bhasma (Gold) (Cacined):� Improves strength and immunity which helps fight against infections Lauh Bhasma (Iron) (Calcined): It increases the body�s overall iron levels � Key Benefits It helps boost immunity It also helps calm facial palsy and hearing defects. Its benefits also include strengthening your body muscles which increases your stamina.�


About Product: Our Mahamrigank Ras (With Gold) helps to treatVata Rog and also used in treatment for � �Pulmonary Tuberculosis � � Chronic Fever � � � Loss of Appetite � � � �cough � � � �Skin Disease � � � �Jaundice � � � Anemia � � � Diabetes � � � Bronchitis Tuberculosis Fever Loss of Appetite Dosage: 1-2 tablet twice or thrice daily or, as directed by the physician.


About Product: Our Vrihat Purnachandra Ras (With Gold) helps balance the Doshas and is helpful in treatment against: Dyspnea Cough Asthma General Debility Dosage: 125-250 mg twice daily or, as directed by the physician.


About The Product Discover relief with Somnath Ras tablets, a medicine used to help in treatment of Urinary Tract Infections and gynaecological problems that include excessive bleeding during menstruation as well as to treat diabetes.� Key Ingredients Lauh Bhasma (Iron) - it increases the body�s iron levels, which helps in anaemia and overall weakness.� Ela (Elettaria cardamomum) - helps to lower blood sugar levels for diabetic patients.� Tejpatra (Cinnamomum Tamala) -It protects pancreatic beta cells and increases insulin production which results in lowered blood sugar levels. Arjun Chhaal (Terminalia arjuna) - it is used to improve blood circulation Ushir (Vetiveria zizanoides) - It is used to treat burning sensations and fever.


About the product� Empowering female health through Agnivesh Pradrantak Ras tablets, an ayurvedic solution for females to get relief from painful cramps and heavy bleeding. It is also helpful in treating Leucorrhoea. Key Ingredients� Shuddha Parad (Mercury): substances used to eliminate contagious microorganisms that prevent sepsis. Shuddha Gandhak (Sulphur): used to reduce the growth of harmful bacteria in your body and decrease bleeding. Bung Bhasma (Stannum (Calcined): it has boosting immunity properties which help in treating female reproductive diseases. Roupya Bhasma (Silver) (Calcined): it provides strength to the body.


About Product - With immensely helpful ingredients, this Ayurvedic Kirti Ras is the all in one tonic you need to accommodate in your routine to provide you a natural barrier against all infections, fever and cold. INGREDIENTS:- Suddha Hingul :� For its therapeutic properties.� Suddha vish : Known for its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties.� Sounth -� Known for preventing nausea. STORAGE - Store in a cool, dry place in an airtight container.


About Product: Useful in digestive problems like indigestion dyspepsia Diarrhoea Vomiting and abdominal colic. Dosage: 1-2 tablet twice daily or, as directed by the physician.


About Product: Useful in Cholera and Indigestion. Dosage: 1-2 tablet twice daily or, as directed by the physician.


About Product: Useful in Urinary Problems & General Debility. Dosage: 1-2 tablet twice daily or, as directed by the physician.


About Product: Useful in different Vata related diseases and promotes Strength. Dosage: 1-2 tablet twice daily or, as directed by the physician.


About Product: Useful in Vatic diseases Blood Pressure Anaemia Diabetes Physical & Mental Weakness. Dosage: 1-2 tablet twice daily or, as directed by the physician.


About Product: Our Vrihat Sarwajwarhar Lauh is helpful for chronic fever and also used in treatment against:� Anaemia� Malaria & Dengue Indigestion Cough Dosage: 1-2 tablet twice daily or, as directed by the physician.


About Product: Useful in Fever Diarrhoea Dyspepsia & Sprue. Dosage: 125mg to 1 g to be taken in the morning & evening or as directed by the Physician.


About Product: Useful in Vomiting Cooling of Eyes Laprosy & Skin Diseases. Dosage: 125mg to 1 g to be taken in the morning & evening or as directed by the Physician.


About Product: Useful in Eye diseases Cough Pitta Vomiting & Rheumatism. Dosage: 125mg to 1 g to be taken in the morning & evening or as directed by the Physician.


About Product: Useful in Vatic diseases. Dosage: 125mg to 1 g to be taken in the morning & evening or as directed by the Physician.


About Product: Useful in Acidity Vomiting and Abdominal Colic. Dosage: 1-2 tablet twice daily or, as directed by the physician.


About Product: Useful in all kinds of Fever. Dosage: 1-2 tablet twice daily or, as directed by the physician.


About Product: Useful in Paralysis and Vata related problem. Dosage: 1-2 tablet twice daily or, as directed by the physician.


About Product: Fuseful in T.B. Fever & Vata Pitta & Cough related Problems. Dosage: 1-2 tablet twice daily or, as directed by the physician.


About Product: Useful in Constipation Abdominal Colic and Loss of appetite. Dosage: 1-2 tablet twice daily or, as directed by the physician.


About Product: Useful in Anorexia Nausea Flatulence and Intestinal worms. Dosage: 1-2 tablet twice daily or, as directed by the physician.


About Product: Useful in Acidity Duodenum Abdominal Pain Fever and eye diseases. Dosage: 125mg to 375mg to be taken in the morning and evening or as directed by the physician


About Product: Useful in Diabetes & Mental Disorders. Dosage: 125mg to 375mg to be taken in the morning and evening or as directed by the physician


About Product: Useful in Breathing Problem Cough Sprue Acidity & enlargement of Liver & Spleen. Dosage: 125mg to 375mg to be taken in the morning and evening or as directed by the physician

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