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Country of Origin: India
Animal behavior is a critical area of study with multiple applications, including conservation, livestock and wildlife management, animal welfare, sustainable resource utilization, and human behavior comprehension. The early days of behavioral research were largely observational, but the groundbreaking work of Lorenz, Tinbergen, and Frisch elevated the field and led to Nobel recognition. This paved the way for extensive research in various areas of behavior, such as information acquisition and transfer, ecological aspects, socio-biology, reproductive strategies, evolutionary dynamics, physiology, and applied behavior. These areas include conservation, animal welfare, livestock production, wildlife management, and human-animal interactions.
1. Biological Clocks in Bats, Mice and Humans by Chandrashekaran, M.K 2. Education Scenario in India : Need for New Concepts and Region Oriented Focus by Debjani Roy 3. Behavioral Studies on Birds and Conservation by Lalitha Vijayan 4. The Functional Organization of an Insect Society by Raghavendra Gadagkar 5. Status, Distribution, Food and Feeding of Malabar Spiny Dormouse (Platacanthomys lasiurus Blyth) in the Western Ghats of Kerala by E.A. Jayson K.M. Jayahari 6. The Science and art of Monitoring Wild Tigers by Ullas Karanth, K 7. Social Cognition in Primates: From Mental Representation to Distributed Cognition by Anindya Sinha 8. Signallers and Receivers: Sensory Ecology of Acoustic Communication in Crickets by Rohini Balakrishnan 9. Recent Trends in Ethology by Juliet Vanitharani 10. Parsimony in Insects by Geetha Bali 11. Localisation of Prey by Young and Adult Indian False Vampire Bats by Raghuram, H G. Marimuthu 12. Molecular Approaches in Behavioural Ecology by Saikat Chakraborty 13. Habitat Use and Response of Brown-hawk Owl, Ninox scutulata to the Broadcast of Conspecific Calls by Babu, S.A. E.A. Jayson 14. Effect of Environmental Factors and Typhoon Flooding on the Population Dynamics of Benthic Fishes in Hapen Creek of Northern Taiwan byHema Krishnakumar, Hsiung Liang, Chi-Chang Liu Yao-Sung Lin 15. Leaf-Selection and Tent Construction by the Indian Short-nosed Fruit Bat Cynopterus sphinx (Chiroptera: Pteropodidae) in the Palm, Borassus flabellifer by Rajasekar, R. K. Sripathi 16. Bat Pollination Syndromes in few Species of Plants by Thiruchenthil Nathan, P., Irulan G. Marimuthu 17. Movement of Coconut Eriophyid Mite, Aceria guerreronis Keifer on Nut Surface: A Behavioural Study by Mallik, B., J. Jayappa H. Guruprasad 18. Account of an Architect Queen by Maulishree Agrahari Raghavendra Gadagkar 19. Behavioural Difference and Diversity of Males and Females of two Primitively Eusocial Wasps by Ruchira Sen R. Gadagkar 20. Activity Patterns of Grey Jungle fowl, Gallus sonneratii at Gudalur Range in Theni Forest Division, Western Ghats, Tamilnadu, South India by Ramesh, N M.C. Sathyanarayana 21. Analysis of Route Learning Ability of Climbing Perch, Anabas testusineus by Avinash, T.P., V.V. Binoy. K. John Thomas 22. Predator Avoidance Behaviour of Naive Juveniles of Puntius Sarana: A Freshwater Fish by J. Shiron, V.V. Binoy K.J.Thomas 23. Influence of Hunger on Food Stocking Behaviour of Climbing Perch, Anabas testudineus by Binoy, V.V. K. John Thomas 24. Diel Activity and Diversity of Butterflies Visiting Nectar Host Plants in Dryland-scrub Ecosystem by Jayappa, J., M.muralikrishna, Revanna Revannavar, Mahadevappa, K. Devaraj, K. Chandrashekara A.R.V. Kumar 25. Physiology of Behaviour of White Leghorn Chick (Gallus domesticus) Exposed to Pesticides by Sowmini Balakrishnan 26. Finding an Appropriate Index to Construct Dominance Hierarchies in the Primitively Eusocial Wasps, Ropalidia marginata and Ropalidia cyathiformis by Alok Bang, Sujata Deshpande, A. Sumana Raghavendra Gadagkar 27. Scent Marking by Free-Ranging Dogs (Canis familiaris) by S.K. Pal 28. How do Workers of the Primitively Eusocial Wasp, Ropalidia marginata Detect the Presence of their Queens? by Anindita Bhadra, Priya L. Iyer, A. Sumana, Sujata A. Deshpande, Saubhik Ghosh Raghavendra Gadagkar 29. Transition of an Aggressive Potential Queen to a Docile Queen in the Primitively Eusocial Wasp, Ropalidia marginata by Aniruddha Mitra Raghavendra Gadagkar 30. An Observational Study on the Behaviour of Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) in Captivity at National Zoolgical Park Delhi Zoo by Samina H. Farooqi, Satish Kumar H.S.A. Yahya 31. Stress-induced Behavioural Changes in a Novelty Test in the Domestic Chick by Reshma Shetty Monika Sadananda 32. A Study on the Reproductive Physiology of a Captive Pair of Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) in National Zoological Park New Delhi, by Samina H.Farooqi., H.S.A. Yahya Iqbal Perwez 33. Expression of Red/Green Color Sensitive Opsin in Chiroptera: A Prime Report by Kanagaraj, C. K. Emmanuvel Rajan 34. Feeding behaviour of Cardamom Shoot and Fruit Borer (Conogethes punctiferalis Guanee) Larvae in Laboratory by Thyagaraj, N.E., P.K. Singh A.K. Chakravarthy 35. Species Diversity of Rodents Collected from Bamboo Flowering Areas of Mizoram and their Feeding Behaviour by Azad Thakur N.S., A.N. Shylesha D. Kumar 36. Developmental Behaviour of Rice Hispa, Dicladispa armigera Oliver (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in Coastal Karnataka by Vijay Kumar, L., S. U. Patil. A. K. Chakravarthy 37. Response of Pure Silkworm, Bombyx mori L. Breeds to Feeding Methods and Feeding Sequences of Mulberry Varieties by Chinnaswamy, K.P., Changalarayappa, S. Fatima, K. Rashmi N. Jagadish 38. Feeding Potential of Amblyseius herbicoloides Mcmurtry Moraes (Acari: Phytoseiidae) on Selected Tetranychid Pest Mites by Sheeja, U.M. N. Ramani 39. Foraging and Feeding Behavior of Indian Crested Porcupine (Hystrix indica Kerr) in Wild and Cultivated Areas of Western Ghats of Karnataka by Chakravarthy, A.K., A.C. Girish N.R. Prasanna Kumar 40. Feeding Behaviour of Selected Insect Predators on Sugarcane Woolly Aphid, Ceratovacuna lonigera Zehnter (Homoptera: Aphididae) in South Karnataka, by Muniswamy Gowda, K. N., A. K. Chakravarthy L. Vijay Kumar 41. Magnitude of Food Preference and Consumption by Soft-furred Field Rat, Millardia meltada (Gray) under Laboratory Conditions by Sakthivel, P. P. Neelanarayanan 42. Oriental Responses of Shoot and Fruit Borer, Larvae, Conogethes punctiferalis Guenee (Pyralidae: Lepidoptera) towards selected Plants in Laboratory by Chakravarthy, A.K., B.S. Basavaraju E.Ganagappa 43. Foraging Behaviour of Honey Bee and its Role in Fruit Set in Cucumber by Bhat, N. S., H. S. Satish H.M. Yashwant 44. An Inexpensive Technique for Mass Rearing of Pod Borer, Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) by Shobha, A., M. Kumari G.Bali 45. Diverse Feeding Trends in a Primitive Oribatid Mite, Archegozetes longisetosus Aoki (Acari: Oribatei) by Shiji, M.T. N. Ramani 46. Prevention of Bird Damage to Maize Cobs by Shivashankar, T. 47. Biodiversity byA Biologist Perspective by Krupanidhi, S. 48. Validation of Integrated Pest Management Modules for the Management of Shootfly in Rabi Sorghum by Balikai, R.A. 49. Mechanical Control of Red-headed Hairy Caterpillar, Amsacta albistriga in Groundnut by Ganiger, P.C. V.T. Sannaveerappanavar 50. Bio-efficacy of Ready-mix Formulations of Insecticides Against Pigeon Pea Pod Borer Complex by Ganiger, P.C., D.W. Wadnerkar M.Thippaiah 51. Seed Treatment as an Eco-Friendly Management Tactic for Suppression of Insect Pests in Sorghum by Balikai, R.A. 52. Eco-friendly Management of Rodent Pests Using Tanjore-bow Trap in Irrigated Rice Fields, Tiruchirappalli District, Tamil Nadu by Sakthivel, P., A. Bharathiraja P. Neelanarayanan 53. Efficacy of Herbal Products Against Pigeon Pea Pod Borers by Nandihalli, B.S. 54. Management of Thrip Complex in Grape by Sunitha, N.D, S.B. Jagginavar, D.R. Patil A.P. Biradar 55. Testing of Bt Products for the Management of Greater Wax Moth, Galleria mellonella L. by Vishwas, A.B. Gavigowda 56. Bat Species Survey-An Effective Tool for Bat Conservation in Agasthiyamalai Biosphere Reserve by J Vanitharani M U. S. 57. Relationship between Frequency of Bee Visits and Seed Set in Niger by Bhat, N. S., C.J. Nagaraja, S. Suma A.B. Vishwas 58. Insect Biodiversity in Grape Ecosystem by Sunitha, N.D, S.B. Jagginavar, D.R. Patil A.P. Biradar 59. Spermatophore Deposition and Sperm Transfer in an Oribatid Mite Scheloribates praeincisus interruptus Berlese (Acari: Oribatei) by Julie, E N. Ramani 60. Behavioural Development of two forms of Sorghum Shoot bug, Peregrinus maidis (Ashmead) on Sorghum by V Kumar S.U. Patil A.K. Chakravarthy 61. Reproductive Behaviour of Tetranychus neocaledonicus andre (Acari: Tetranychidae) infesting Moringa oleifera Lam by Sangeetha G. Kaimal N. Ramani 62. Biology, Adult Emergence and Mating Behaviour of Melon Fly, Bactrocera Cucurbitae coquillett (Diptera: Tephritidae) by Shivayya, V., C.T. Ashok Kumar, A.K. Chakravarthy A.H. Jayappa 63. Mating and Ovipositional Behavior of the Indian Uji Fly, Exorista bombycis Louis, a Parasitoid of the Mulberry Silkworm Bombyx mori. L by Fatima, S., C.Siddapaji, K.P.Chinnaswamy K. Rashmi 64. Influence of Mating on the Temporal Oviposition Patterns of Helicoverpa armigera and Bombyx mori by Shobha, A. D. Manjula Kumari Geetha Bali 65. Female Remating in Drosophila: Relationship between Frequency of Remating and Duration of Copulation by Chaya Kumari S.R. Ramesh 66. Cold Blooded Love Behaviour in Insects and Freck Occurrence in Human Beings by M, K., M. Kanimozhi Panjaly Ramaraj 67. Behavioural and Molecular Genetic Evidence of Mating Strategy in the Polygynous Mating Bat Cynopterus sphinx by Karuppudurai, T., N. Gopukumar K. Sripathi 68. The Effect of Dark/Light Cycle on Mating Propensity and Productivity in Drosophila by Jyothi, H.K. B.P. Harini 69. An Experimental Set Up to Study Mating in Captivity in the Primitively Eusocial Wasp, Ropalidia marginata by Swati Samudre, Rutuja Chitra Tarak, Ruchira Sen Raghavendra Gadagkar 70. Dominant Deriving a Boost by Suppressing the Subordinate: A Study on a Primitively Eusocial Wasp, Ropalidia marginata by Vidhi Pareek Raghavendra Gadagkar 71. Seasonal Variation in the Size of Nasal Gland in Two Sympatric Species of Hipposiderid Bats by Swami Doss, D.P.K. Sripathi N. Gopukumar