Biotechnology is swiftly emerging as a pioneering technology within the life sciences sector. It furnishes a suite of instruments, which when properly integrated with complementary technologies, may be leveraged for the sustainable progress of agriculture. Tissue culture is being employed to propagate rapidly difficult root crops and safeguard endangered/rare medicinal plants. PCR Technology has facilitated the fingerprinting of genotypes and elucidated their genetic relationships in a more precise manner. Genetic transformation through direct and vector-mediated gene transfer now enables the incorporation of novel genes for advantageous traits. The diverse bioinformatics tools aid in the interpretation of intricate data generated from myriad biological experiments. The publication comprises 8 sessions, encompassing 148 research articles and papers that explore these topics in greater depth._x000D_
Volume 1
1. Molecular Markers in Crop Improvement Current Applications and Future Prospects
T. Mohapatra
2. DNA Marker Technology in the Improvement of Horticultural Crops
Lalitha Anand
3. Gene prospecting from Mangroves and Genetic engineering of Mangrove genes to Crop plants to Enhance Salinity Tolerance
S.R. Prashanth, Preeti A. Mehta and Ajay Parida
4. Genes for Biotic stress Management in Plants
V. Udayasuriyan
5. Chloroplast Mediated Genetic Transformation in Horticultural Crops
K.C. Bansal
6. Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi and their Role in Horticulture
D. J. Bagyaraj
7. Exploitation of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) in Horticultural Crops
R. Samiyappan, S. Harish, R. Radjacommare and D. Saravanakumar
8. High Tech Propagation of Horticultural Crops Accent on Recalcitrance
V.A. Parthasarathy
9. Solid Waste Management
P. Kuttinarayanan
SESSION I: Tissue Culture Research in Horticultural Crops- New Perspectives
10. Somatic Embryogenesis in Mango (Mangiferaindica L.) Varieties
K. Rajmohan, G.R. Sulekha, C.P. Bindu, P. Ramesh S. Sadheeshna Kumari and S. Sunita
11. Covert Bacterial Association With In Vitro Cultures of Horticulture Crops
Pious Thomas and Bindu Panicker
12. Endosperm Culture in Heveabrasiliensis
K. Rekha, R. Jayashree, S. Sushamakumari, S. Sankariammal and A. Thulaseedharan
13. Repetitive Somatic Embryogenesis and Plant Regeneration in Garcinia indicaChoiss
S.R. Deodhar, S.V. Bhosle, S.K. Rawal and S.R. Thengane
14. In Vitro Micropropagation of Acid Lime (Citrus aurantifolia S) var. Sai-Sharbati
A.B. Kamble, T.A. More, A.R. Karale and S.C. Patil
15. An Electrofusion-mediated Improved Method for Donor-recipient Somatic hybridization in Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)
Debabrata Sarkar, L. Schilde-Rentschler, B. Löffelhardt-Ruo and H. Ninnemann
16. In Vitro Culture and Biochemical Analysis of Jasminum sp.
K. Suseela Gomathi, S. Sambandamurthy, S. Sadasivam N. M. Ramasamy and K. Rajmohan
17. Biotech Production Unit for Spices: A Venture of Spices Board Kudumbashree and Dept. of Biotechnology
Rao. Y. S., Mary Mathew. K., Pradip Kumar. K. Lakhsmanan R. and J. Thomas
18. Performance Evaluation of Tissue Culture vis-a-vis Open Pollinated Seedlings of Cardamom
K. M. Kuruvilla, K. J. Madhusoodanan, M. R. Sudharshan P. Natarajan and J. Thomas
19. Induction of Variability in Vanilla through In Vitro Techniques
Lovis Susan Kuriakose, Grace Thi Bin and P.A. Nazeem
20. Micropropagation of Banana var. Meitei Hei Through Shoot Tip Culture
W.I. Meitei, Rajkumar Kishor, L. Robert, and H. Jayalaxmi Devi
21. On Farm Evaluation of Tissue Culture Vanilla Plants vis-a-vis Vegetative Cuttings
K.J. Madhusoodanan, K.M. Kuruvilla, B.A.Vadiraj V.V. Radhakrishnan and J.Thomas
22. An Efficient Regeneration Protocol for Tomato (Lycopersiconesculentum L.) cv. PKM
P. Kalaiarasan, S. Maruthasalam, M. Sivakumar, D. Sudhakar and P. Balasubramanian
23. Studies on Micropropagation in Pomegranate (Punicagranatum L.)
R. R. Chaugule, T. A. More, A. B. Kamble and A. R. Karale
24. Ovular Callus Culture Studies in Carica papaya L.
P.S. Kavitha, N. Chezhiyan and V. Panimalar
25. An Efficient Regeneration Protocol for Brinjal (Solanum melongena L.) cv. Co2
P. Kalaiarasan Phan DinhPhap, M. Sivakumar D. Sudhakar and P. Balasubramanian
26. Somatic Embryogenesis and Plant Regeneration from Immature Embryos of Papaya (Carica papaya L.), CO7
R. Anandan, Pranathi Sibi, Phan Dinh Phap K. Sooriyanadhasundaram, N. Kumar D. Sudhakar and P. Balasubramanian
27. In Vitro Regeneration of Heveabrasiliensis from Leaf Explants
R.G. Kala, P. Kumari Jayasree, S. Sushamakumari, S. Sobha R. Jayashree, K. Rekha and A. Thulaseedharan
28. Plantlet Regeneration In Vitro Through Indirect Organogenesis in Ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.)
Resmi Paul, M.R. Shylaja, P.A. Nazeem, P.A. Valsala and E.V. Nybe
29. Callus Culture and Somatic Embryogenesis Studies in Citrus aurantifoliaSwingle
A.B. Kamble, T.A. More, A.R. Karale and S.C. Patil
30. Micropropagation of Emblica officinalis Gaertn. Through Callus Culture
A.R. Karale, J. H. Kadam, A. B. Kamble D. P. Kaledhonkar, K. G. Shinde and M. T. Patil
31. Effect of Various Modifications of MS Medium onShoot Induction and Proliferation of Peach
Anshu Sharma, S.K. Bhatia, Neelam R. Yadav and Suneel Sharma
32. An improved Protocol for the In Vitro Propagation of a Medicinally Important Plant, Bacopa monnieri (Linn).
S. Sadheeshna Kumari, S. Uma Maheswari, K. Rajmohan and Swapna Alex
33. In Vitro Shoot Regeneration in Eagle Wood - Aquilaria agallochaRoxb.
P.A. Nazeem, P.S. Smitha, Jim Thomas and K. Rathy
34. In Vitro Multiplication of Trichosanthescucumerina
M. Asha Sankar, K.K.Sajitha, Alice Kurian, K. K. Salmath Lissamma Joseph and E.V. Nybe
35. Rapid Clonal Propagation of Vitex trifolia
L.V. Hiregoudar, J.G. Bhat, A. Nayeem, B.P. Hema, H.N. Murthy
36. In Vitro Multiplication of Indian Maddar(Rubiacordifolia Linn.)
Alice Kurian, Salmath, K.K., Vijini, K. V., Lissmma Joseph Asha Sankar, M., and Nybe, E.V.
37. In Vitro studies in Centellaasiatica (Linn.) Urban.
V. Panimalar, E. Vadivel and P.S. Kavitha
38. Direct Organogenesis of Plumbago rosea (Linn.)
S.S. Preetha, S. Anita, K. Rajmohan, and K.B. Soni.
39. In Vitro Shoot Regeneration in Ipomoea mauritiana (Linn.)
L. Priya, S. Anita, K. Rajmohan and Swapna Alex
40. In Vitro Propagation of Smilax zeylanica L.
S. Sadheeshna Kumari, K. Rajmohan, and Swapna Alex
41. High Ferquency Shoot Regeneration in Aloe vera Using BAP and TDZ Combinations of Growth Regulators
Vandana Saroha, R.C. Yadav and Neelam R. Yadav
42. In Vitro Clonal Propagation of Lasoda (Cordia myxa Roxb.) An Arid Fruit Tree
Dhurendra Singh, D.G. Dhandar and A. K. Shukla
43. Rapid Propagation of Clitoriaternatea L. Through Somatic Embryogenesis from Leaves
Deepa S. Nair and B. R. R. Reghunath
44. Clonal Propagation of a Dendrobium hybrid Orchid
(D. nobile L. x D. chrysotoxum L.) Using Pseudobulb Segment Rajkumar Kishor; W. I. Meitei and G.J. Sharma
45. Influence of Sucrose and Triazole on The Ex Vitro Establishment of Micropropagated Dendrobium Sp. Samasya K.S.
46. High Frequency Mericloning from Shake Cultures of Tropical Orchid Dendrobium cv. Sonia
K. S. Shylaraj, R. Deepthy and Preeta Liz Korah
47. Micropropagation of the Aquarium Plant Parrot Feather Milfoil - Myriophyllumaquaticum (Velloso) Verdcourt
P.S. Smitha, P.A. Nazeem, Thressiamma James, M.V. Mohan and P.M. Sherif
48. Multiple Shoot Regeneration from the Cotyledonary Nodes of Leucaena leucocephala
N.M. Shaik, M. Arha, S. K. Gupta, S. Srivastava, A. K. Yadav, P. Kulkarani, O. U. Abhilash, B.M. Khan and S. K. Rawal
49. Enhanced Production of Plantlets Through Tissue Culture
Jansi Rani G, Benjamin Steinitz, Avi Lalazar
50. Comparative Evaluation of Tissue Culture Derived Black Pepper Plants with Conventional Propagules
K. Rathy, P.J. Jini, K.V. Shaju, P.K. Rajesh, P.K. Sreekumar A. Maji and P.A. Nazeem.......148 chapters