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HUMASS a proven organic soil conditioner based on Humic Acid is ideal root promoter leading to higher yield and productivity in almost all crops where soil is poor in humus ( Organic Carbon) . Poor organic matter in soil leads to poor physical structure of soil and biological activity poor root growth not only manifest different nutritional disorders but also ultimately poor yield. Humass application at early stages of plants development can help plant condition in almost crops.use 10ml of Humass in 1ltr of water for soil drenching as well as spray


Pro-Alex is a Natural alexin blended with Compound of Phosphorous. Pro-Alex inducess resistance in plant system, in addition provides systemic protection against moulds like downy mildew, phytophthora and pythium. Pro-Alex is recommended on fruit,vegetable, field and plantation crops. Suggested crops: Grape, Potato,Black pepper,Roses,Gerbera, Pomegranate, Papaya, Tomato, Melon and Gherkin. Compatible with most of the Fungicides/Insecticides. Non phytotoxic to recommended crops and dosage No. of application : 2-3 Dose: 3ml/litre Pro-Alex is ecofriendly product, no harm to environment


Our Organic Vermicompost is known for its distinctive earthly aroma, fine grain, and delicate flavor of Azadirachta indica A that is unmatched by any other Vermicompost in the world. It is a start as a merchant export company, we understand the importance of providing our customers with exceptional quality products and services that meet their unique needs. At BioSoil Supreme, we believe in building long-lasting relationships with our customers based on trust, honesty, and transparency. We work closely with our clients to understand their specific requirements and provide them with customized solutions that meet their needs and budget.

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Nano Fertilizer is a new innovation from Arihant that has nanoparticles. Nanoparticles are basically particles of the minutest of the sizes. The size of nanoparticles is generally measured in terms of Nanometers, which, for common understanding, is 1 cm divided into 1 crore parts. The nanoparticles in Nano fertilizer are usually of the size of about 100 nanometers. This facilitates a greater uptake of the much needed nitrogen and phosphorous. The plants absorb the13.5% Nitrogen and 46% Poly-phosphorous present in Liquid DAP and unutilized portions of the same are stored in certain parts, to be absorbed as and when needed. The nanoparticles, given their minute size, help increase the Liquid DAP availability to crops by almost 80%.


NPK Liquid 10:00:40 Fertilizer Super-Concentrated, N,and High-Performance K Nutrition in Liquid Form NPK 10:00:40 is a High-K, Liquid fertilizer. It is ideal for applications aiming in fruit and tuber size increase. In addition, it is further enhanced by the integration of the EA2 Technology, which promotes absorption and translocation of nutrients.


Super-Concentrated, N, P and High-Performance K Nutrition in Liquid Gel Form NPK 10:10:50:2 is a High-K, gel fertilizer reinforced with Boron. It is ideal for applications aiming in fruit and tuber size increase. In addition, it is further enhanced by the integration of the EA2 Technology, which promotes absorption and translocation of nutrients.


Organic + NPK 03:50:50 is a highly concentrated emulsion containing macro and chelated micro elements. It includes organic material derived from a single seaweed variety which has proven beneficial effects upon plants by stimulating root development. It is useful to maximise the production of crops at risk of damage from stress conditions, caused by high temperatures, soil conditions, moisture availability and disease. It is formulated to supply seedlings and more mature plants with essential nutrients.


Super-Concentrated, High-Performance NPK Nutrition in Liquid Gel Form NPK 20:20:20 is a complex, highly concentrated, NPK gel fertilizer. It is ideal for all growth stages and further enhanced by the integration of the EA2 Technology, which promotes absorption and translocation of nutrients.


Super-Concentrated, High-PK, Foliar Nutrition in Liquid Gel Form NPK 00:50:50 is a High-PK, gel fertilizer. It is ideal for applications during root development, fruit expansion and maturation. In addition, it is further enhanced by the integration of the EA2 Technology, which promotes absorption and translocation of nutrients.


Being readily soluble in water, Arihant Group’s NPK 00:00:50 helps fertigation by releasing essential plant nutrients at the root zone from where they are readily absorbed and used elsewhere in the plant system.


Super-Concentrated, High-Performance NPK Nutrition in Liquid Gel Form NPK 19:19:19 is a complex, highly concentrated, NPK gel fertilizer. It is ideal for all growth stages and further enhanced by the integration of the EA2 Technology, which promotes absorption and translocation of nutrients.


Super-Concentrated, High-Performance NPK Nutrition in Liquid Gel Form NPK 20:10:10 is a complex fertilizer containing high Nitrogen along with balanced Phosphorous and potassium concentration. It is ideal for good flowering and fruit formation during the plant growth cycle. It is further enhanced by the integration of the EA2 Technology, which promotes absorption and translocation of nutrients.


Super-Concentrated, High-Performance NP Nutrition in Liquid Gel Form NPK 24:24:00 is a complex fertilizer containing high concentration of Nitrogen & Phosphorous . It is ideal for attaining instant and prolonged greenness . It is further enhanced by the integration of the EA2 Technology, which promotes absorption and translocation of nutrients.


Super-Concentrated, High-Performance NPK Nutrition in Liquid Gel Form NPK 12:32:16 is a complex fertilizer. It is an optimal mix of vital nutrients due to high phosphorus and potash content. It is ideal for fixing phosphorus and potassium content in soil. It is further enhanced by the integration of the EA2 Technology, which promotes absorption and translocation of nutrients.


Cal-B is a pure and high concentrated water soluble liquid calcium and boron fertilizer. It contains high quality macro and essential nutrients and chloride free ingredients.


Liquid boron 10% is a solution of fully water soluble fertilizer containing nitrogen and boron. Boron deficiency in crop plants is the second most widespread micronutrient deficiency problem after zinc. liquid boron 10% is liquid micronutrient fertilizer which works as both preventive and curative solution to control the insufficiency and deficiency of boron in the crops.


Organic + NPK 10:26:26 Liquid Gel Fertilizer Super-Concentrated, High-Performance NPK Nutrition in Liquid Gel Form NPK 10:26:26 is a complex fertilizer. With Nitrogen & high Phosphorous and potassium concentration It is ideal for applications during fruit setting and color change. it is further enhanced by the integration of the EA2 Technology, which promotes absorption and translocation of nutrients.


Nano Fertilizer is a new innovation from Arihant that has nanoparticles. Nanoparticles are basically particles of the minutest of the sizes. The size of nanoparticles is generally measured in terms of Nanometers, which, for common understanding, is 1 cm divided into 1 crore parts. The nanoparticles in Nano Fertilizer are usually of the size of about 100 nanometers. This facilitates a greater uptake of the much needed nitrogen. The plants absorb the 44% nitrogen present in Liquid Urea and unutilized portions of the same are stored in certain parts, to be absorbed as and when needed. The nanoparticles, given their minute size, help increase the Liquid Urea availability to crops by almost 80%.


Our Organic Vermicompost includes premium and organic contents like organic carbon, pottasium, soidum etc. We are also proud to offer our business to different sectors like Gardening, Real estate, NGO’s, Farmers, nurseries on private and Goverment sectors. As a company that values the environment and sustainability, we take great care in ensuring that our organic vermicompost is sourced from farmers who practice ethical and sustainable farming methods. We also work closely with our suppliers to minimize waste and reduce our carbon footprint.

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This is also cashew husk but it is derived from after using in leather sector as pre tanning agent and then dried in sun drier then used as fertilizer in agriculture specially in Neem seed processing and others too. this may also be used as animal feed raw material which more fat content approximately 12-16% and protein and fiber have around 11% approximately. if required will provide the test report for reference. we can able to supply as per the customer requirement either full grinded powder or as such

12.00 13.00

Organic Bio Fertilizers We will ensure you get the best quality product at most affordable rate. We have partnered with multiple companies. You will get very effective quality organic bio fertilizer. Just use and see the results yourself! We are a group of budding entrepreneur who want to lead the trading industry. We can help you with our contacts to deliver the best quality product available in the market. We generally deal in export quality goods. Hence sit back and relax cause it is very rare that you can get export quality goods in India. No compromise in quality! Our success is in customer's satisfaction.


PROM is a phosphatic fertilizer enriched with micronutrients such as Copper, Zinc & Cobalt. Effective even on hard & heavy black soil. It acts as basic nutritional food for soil when sowing and improves the soil structure. The presence of Phosphorus, Nitrogen & Organic Carbon helps to keep the luster/moisture of soil, and the presence of organic carbon helps to improve the efficiency of crop growth as well as prevents land from being acidic & toxic. It enhances the water holding capacity of soil and improves overall productivity.

40.00 45.00

Nano Gibberellic acid is a very potent hormone whose natural occurrence in plants controls their development. Since GA regulates growth, applications of very low concentrations can have a profound effect while too much will have the opposite effect. It is usually used in concentrations between 0.01 and 10 mg/L.Nano GA3 can be applied via foliar sprays, soil drenching, or seed treatments. The method of application can affect its efficiency and the degree to which it influences plant growth

4049.00 4100.00

We are the Manufacturer and exporter in Vermicompost in Bangalore and Tamilnadu We are engaged in manufacturing and supplying, wholesale, and exporting a quality assured range of Organic Vermicompost, Enriched Vermicompost, Organic Manures, and all types of Solid and Liquid Organic Fertilizers. Organic fertilizers are ideal for soil improvement, maintaining the PH value of soil, optimizing crop yields, and making plants healthier in an eco-friendly manner

35.00 50.00

Introducing CLAIREX Floor Cleaner – a revolutionary solution designed to transform your floors into a pristine, spotless surface with ease. Elevate your cleaning routine with the powerful and effective formula of CLAIREX, ensuring a clean and inviting living space for you and your family.

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Increases the vitality of germination and speeds up germination. It has an amazing ability to hold water in soil by speeding up the transmission of air. Keeps a hold of fertilizers in the roots, due to which the nutrients are supplied to the plant when needed it's use for a Plant Growth Regulator in crop.

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Key Features: Multipurpose Cleaning Power: CLAIREX Surface Cleaners are designed for a variety of surfaces, from kitchen countertops and appliances to desks, tables, and more. Tackle different cleaning needs effortlessly with one versatile solution. Advanced Stain Removal: Say goodbye to stubborn stains, spills, and grime. CLAIREX Surface Cleaners feature an advanced formula that penetrates deep into surfaces, lifting and removing dirt, ensuring a spotless finish that rejuvenates your living or working spaces.

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Ingredients: Surfactants: These are the primary cleaning agents in detergents. They help to break down and lift away dirt and stains from fabrics. Enzymes: Some detergents contain enzymes that target specific types of stains, such as proteins, starches, or fats. Builders: These are chemicals that enhance the cleaning efficiency of the detergent, especially in hard water conditions. Brighteners: Optical brighteners are often included to make clothes appear whiter and brighter. Fragrances: Detergents may contain fragrances to give laundered clothes a pleasant scent.

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Technical grade urea (TGU) is a colorless and odorless solid that is highly soluble in water. It has a wide range of applications in agriculture, chemicals, plastics, and pharmaceuticals1. TGU is a high purity source of nitrogen and is commonly used in the industrial sector

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Ammonium sulfate (also known as ammonium sulphate in British English) is an inorganic salt with the chemical formula (NH₄)₂SO₄. Here are some key points about it: NITROGEN-20.5 AS203 % 0.01 FREE ACIDITY 0.025 SULPHATE 23

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Technical grade urea (TGU) is a colorless and odorless solid that is highly soluble in water. It has a wide range of applications in agriculture, chemicals, plastics, and pharmaceuticals1. TGU is a high purity source of nitrogen and is commonly used in the industrial sector

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Katyayani Temos, Temephos 50% EC is an organophosphate insecticide that is very effective for the control of mosquito larvae. It is also used for the control of some major arthropod vectors of human diseases, including cyclops spp., the vector of guinea worm diseases (Dracunculiasis) and nuisance insects. Temos is very safe for Human and other non-target animals That has led to WHO and NVBDCP recommendations for its use in potable water. Treatment area : Open water, swamps, marches etc with low organics contents. Heavily polluted water with high organic content or vegetative cover is dense , small area treatment.Lakes, pond,drainage, ditches and other mosquito breeding areas. Dosage: 1.5 - 2 ml per Litre water.Repeat as necessary.Pour required amount of Temephos in to water stirring constantly use sufficient water for good coverage for any other purpose. Can be applied by air / ground equipment use sufficient water to give good coverage.Detailed Instructions to Use are available in Leaflet that is Provided with the Product

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Katyayani Spino45 contains Spinosad 45% SC which is a biological insecticide, a naturally derived product from the fermentation of the actinomycete Saccharopolyspora spinosa. It is extensively used for the control of resistant Helicoverpa in Cotton and Red gram It give powerful Control of Aphids Jassids Shoot & Fruit Borer Girdle Beetle Semilooper American Bollworm Diamond Back Moth Pod Borer with a unique mode of action that is different from all other known insect control products. Effectively controls caterpillars within 2 days of application and is safe for beneficial insects. Spinosad works by contact and by ingestionIt has a Broad-spectrum action on Lepidopteran and Dipteran insects and is an Effective thripicide.with Favorable toxicological profile.and Prolonged residual action. Dosage: For Domestic Purpose like Home Garden & Nursery Take 1 ml per 1 Litre water For Large Applications take 60-90 ml per Acre Foliar Spray is Recommended.Detailed Instructions comes along with the product.

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Termites, also popularly known as “white ants” are pale brown to white, have no constriction between thorax and abdomen and have beaded antennae. A termite colony consists of the termite queen, soldiers and workers. On the basis of their habitat, termites are divided into two types, namely subterranean and non subterranean termites. It is the subterranean termites (generally ground-dwelling or requiring contact with the soil or some constant source of moisture) which are a major cause of concern for humans. The best way to stop termites from destroying homes is by applying termiticide in the soil around the structure

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Saphaer is a high performance, quick knockdown household insecticide that provide control of all common flying and crawling pest of domestic and institutional premises & public buildings. Saphaer is 20% emulsifiable concentrate (EC) with propoxure as a active ingredient.

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Mosquitoes are vectors of many human diseases like Malaria, Filariasis, Dangue fever, encephalitis etc. To save life of millions of people, control of these mosquitoes is very necessary. SMOKER is ideal solution for control of mosquito through chemical method and can be used as space treatment. SMOKER is an oil based Deltamethrin based concentrate formulated for dilution in diesel oil or kerosene and can be applied by ULV or thermal fogging as space sprays. SMOKER , a space spray plays a pivotal role in immediate control of adult mosquitoes and thereby cutting down the transmission cycle

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Katyayani Tebusul Contains Tebuconazole 10 % + Sulphur 65 % WG is a modern quick action fungicide with protective, creative and eradicative action. Katyayani Tebusul is widely used for the control of powdery mildew , fruit rot diseases of Chilli and leaf spot , pod blight disease of Soyabean Widely used in Crops like Cucurbits Corn Dry Bean Garlic Grape Hops Mango Mustard Peach Pear Oats Okra Onion Pea Rice Soybean Tomato Sugarcane Sugar - beet Tea Tree Nut Wheat Rose etc. Tebusul fungicide is an efficient and cost effective solution for Controlling fungal diseases and application results in a phytotonic effect in crops which leads to better yield and quality of the produce.It controls the problem of fungal disease , root rot , scorching and fruit rot and brings greenery in the crop Katyayani Tebusul is a Triple Action Fungicide with Contact , Systemic & Vapor Action. Recommended for Agricultural Use Home Garden Terrace Kitchen Garden, Nursery etc. Dosage: For Domestic Use take 5 Gram of Tebusul per 1 Liter of Water. For Large Applications 500 grams per Acre - Foliar Spray is recommended. Detailed Instructions to Use are given along with the product.

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Katyayani Paecilomyces Lilacinus is Bio nemoticide with broad spectrum powerful control for Against Various Nematodes like root-knot nematodes , cyst nematodes, reniform nematodes, citrus nematodes stunt Nematode. It is also effective on White Grubs and other soil borne pathogens. Katyayani Paecilomyces Lilacinus is a powerful liquid solution with Recommended CFU ( 2 x 10^8 ) thus powerful liquid Solution and better Shelf life then other Powder forms of Paecilomyces Lilacinus in the market.Recommended For Organic Farming by NPOP & Gardening.It is recommended input for Organic Plantations for Export Purposes PAECILOMYCES is suitable for application on Potato, Tomato, Marigold, Chilli, Banana, Tobacco, Vegetables and Orchards, Banana, Papaya, Pomegranate, Brinjal, Guava, Apple, Water melon, Musk melon, Orange & All Vegetables, Fruits & other Crops .Paecilomyces lilacinus is capable of parasitizing nematode eggs, juveniles and females, and thus reduces the plant parasitic nematode population in the soil. Paecilomyces lilacinus is applied to soil to control nematodes that attack plant roots.It is more beneficial to control the nodule at the roots cause by nematode with organic material. Easy to use by drip irrigation for shed net , poly house crops. is a Completely Eco-friendly Harmless bio fungicide and 100% Organic Solution. It is a cost effective bio nemoticide. Dosage: Root Drenching – 4 ml per Liter water is recommended ,For Large Applications : Soil Application & Drechning : 2 Liter Per Acre is used.Best for Domestic Purposes like home garden Kitchen Terrace Garden , Nursery & Agriculture Practices.For Detailed Instructions to use is given along with the product.

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Katyayani Propi Propineb 70% WP is a contact and preventive fungicide with its special mode of action its foliar spray gives effective control of various fungal diseases in different plants. Katyayani Propi widely used in apple Pomegranate Potato Chilli tomato Grapes Rice Cotton & other vegetables and fruits for the control of various diseases like Scab Early & Late Blight Dieback , Buckeye rot Downy mildew fruit spots , Brown , Narrow leaf spot. It is a Both contact and preventive action As a result of its multi-site complex mode of action, Propi is particularly suited for use in spraying programs to combat and prevent the selection of resistant populations of the fungal pathogen Katyayani Propi Contains Zinc which is available for positive effect on the crop as a whole and improves the immunity of plants resulting in higher yields and improvement in quality. Dosage: For Domestic Use take 4 - 6 Gram of Propi per 1 Liter of Water. For Large Applications 600 - 800 grams per Acre Foliar Spray. Detailed Instruction to Use is given with the product.

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Katyayani Triple Attack is a new unique combination of 3 Bio Pesticides Verticillium Lecanii + Beauveria Bassiana + Metarhizium Anisopliae that occur naturally in soils throughout the world - the combination gives excellent bio - insecticide control. Katyayani Triple Attack is recommended for control of Mealybugs , Heliothis, Caterpillars , Beetles , Sucking pests , Root Weevils , Plant Hoppers , Japanese Beetle , Black Vine Weevil, Spittlebug , Termites , White Grubs , Stem Borer , Fruit Borer , Shoot Borer , Cooling Moth , Aphids , Thrips , White Flies, Scales, Jassids, Leaf Hopper, Leaf feeding insects, Colorado Potato Beetle, Cutworms, Semi Looper, Brown Plant Hoppers, Root grub and other pests in vegetables, cereals, millets, oil seeds, paddy, fruits and other agriculture and plantation crops. Beneficial for all vegetables and fruits.Recommended for Organic Farming . Eco-friendly Solution best for Domestic Purposes like home garden Kitchen Terrace Garden , Nursery & Agriculture Practices.Not To be Mixed with Chemical Fungicides. Its unique combination Does not create problems of resistance, resurgence and residue and is eco friendly and helps to conserve the ecosystem Offers long lasting pest control and does not affect the natural enemies. Dosage : For Foliar Spray Mix 5-10 ml per Liter of Water. . NOT Designed for Soil Application. For Drip Irrigation : mix 2 Liters of Solution Per Acre.

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Katyayani Sporothrix fungorum is a new generation unique Bio pesticide which has Special effective control on red mites & other sucking insects like Whitefly , Aphids , Thrips and Jassids. It feeds on the soft body of these insects and eventually kills them naturally. It is an eco-friendly 100% Organic biological entomopathogenic fungus based on Sporothrix Fungorum and is specialized in control of soft body insects. It can be used in organic farming & for export quality organic fruits and Vegetables. Beneficial for all Plants including vegetables and fruits for Agriculture & Organic Gardening Purpose. It is a completely Eco-friendly Solution best for Domestic Purposes like home garden Kitchen Terrace Garden , Nursery & Agriculture Practices.Not To be Mixed with Chemical Fungicides. Dosage : For Foliar Spray only - For Normal Attack 3 ml per liter of water. For Heavy Attack 6 ml per liter of water.Detailed Instructions come along with the product.

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Katyayani Fantasy Contains Fipronil 5 % SC a highly active , broad-spectrum insecticide which Effectively controls stem borer , brown plant hopper , green leafhopper , rice leafhopper , rice gall midge , whorl maggot , white-backed plant hopper , cabbage diamondback moth , chili thrips , aphid , fruit borers , sugarcane early shoot borer & root borer , aphids , whitefly , bollworms etc. Fantasy is widely used in crops like Cabbage Chili Paddy Sugarcane Cotton & ideal for Household Gardens Terrace Kitchen Garden Nurseries & In Indoor Plantations. Fantasy - Fipronil 5 SC controls the insects by their contact , stomach , and systemic action. Its unique mode of action allows it to control Pests that have developed resistance to all other older commercial insecticides. Fantasy SC gives effective and long duration control of thrips in various crops.it is an excellent thripicide an ideal choice for IPM.It has shown demonstrable Plant Growth Enhancement (PGE) effect in many crops. Dosage: For Domestic Use take 2-4 ml of Fantasy per 1 Liter of Water. For Large Applications 400-500 ml per Acre Foliar Spray. Detailed Instruction to Use is given with the product.

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Katyayani Verticillium Lecanii is a unique Bio Insecticide that has a powerful natural control over Mealybugs Thrips Jassids Aphids White Fly Scales insect in Citrus Pants & Other Sucking Pests for all plants and Gardening. Katyayani Verticillium Lecanii is a powerful liquid solution with Recommended CFU ( 2 x 10^8 ) thus powerful liquid Solution and better Shelf life then other Powder forms of Verticillium Lecanii in the market.Recommended For Organic Farming & Gardening.It is recommended input for Organic Plantations for Export Purposes Katyayani Verticillium Lecanii is widely used on crops like Banana , Papaya , Mango , Sapota , Pomegranate , Guava , Ber , Apple , Pear , Peach , Plum , Loquat , Almond , Cherry , Grape , Fig , Water melon , Musk melon , Jack fruit , Aonla , Bael , Custard apple , Phalsa , Grape , Orange , Citrus , Apricoat , Walnut , Pecannut , Strawberry , Litchi , Arecanut , Lemons , Pineappple , Kiwifruit , Dragon fruit , Avocado , Tomato , Brinjal , Chilli , Capsicum , Okra , Pea , Cowpea , French bean , Bottle gourd , Bitter gourd , Ridge gourd , Sponge gourd , Cucumber , Cabbage , Cauliflower , Little gourd , Pointed gourd , Drum stick , Kidney bean , Lima bean , Western Flower Thrips & other plantation crops. It is Completely Eco-friendly Harmless bio insecticide and 100% Organic Solution and is recommended for Organic Farming & Gardening. It is a cost effective bio insecticide with high shelf life.Best for Domestic Purposes like home garden Kitchen Terrace Garden , Nursery & Agriculture Practices.Verticillium infects the insect on contact and does not need to be consumed by the host to cause infection. Dosage Foliar Spray – 5 ml per Liter water is recommended , Soil Application : 2 Liter Per Acre is used.For Detailed Instructions to use is given along with the product.

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Katyayani Metarhizium Anisopliae is a unique bio pesticide which Provides powerful natural pest control over leaf hoppers , root grubs , Japanese beetle , Black vine weevil , Spittlebug white grubs , Borers , cutworms , termites , Root weevils etc and can be used for All plants & Home Gardening. Katyayani Metarhizium Anisopliae is a powerful liquid solution with Recommended CFU ( 2 x 10^8 ) thus powerful liquid Solution and better Shelf life then other Powder forms of Metarhizium Anisopliae in the market.Recommended For Organic Farming & Gardening.It is recommended input for Organic Farming for Export Purposes Metarhizium Anisopliae is widely used on crops like Tomato , Brinjal , Chilli , Capsicum , Okra , Pea , Cowpea , Coconut , Cotton , Maize , Wheat , Sugarcane , Rice , Potatoes , Sweetpotatoes , Groundnuts , Soybean , Coffee , Cassava , Tea , Cocoa , Rubber , Oil palm & Some fruit trees like ; Mango , Papaya , Citrus other agriculture and plantation crops. It is Completely Eco-friendly Harmless bio insecticide and 100% Organic Solution and is recommended for Organic Farming & Gardening. It is a cost effective bio insecticide with high shelf life.Best for Domestic Purposes like home garden Kitchen Terrace Garden , Nursery & Agriculture Practices. Dosage Foliar Spray – 3 ml per Liter water is recommended , Soil Application : 2 Liter Per Acre is used.For Detailed Instructions to use is given along with the product.

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Widely used for Plants and Home Garden Protect your Plants from all Major types of Pests and Help Them Grow. Tested and Proved to be Effective for All Major Types of Plants , Vegetable , Fruit and Flowering Plants For your Home Garden & Agricultural Use Pest control In Household Indoor Areas It is perfect for Kitchen , Terrence , Veranda etc - In Indoor Areas Like in Windows , Flooring , Wooden Surfaces . Has the Capability to Protect you from the Severe Pest Attacks. In Outdoor Pest Control It Protects your Place from the Mosquitos including severe Species like of Anopheles Mosquitoes ( Malaria and Dengue Spreading Mosquitoes ) , Also spraying it at Places with Still Water ( Where these Mosquito Breed ) Ensures Complete Safety to you and your Kids. It is a very High Concentration Of Mixtures of Organic Oils , Each Batch is Tested in Various Stages - and with the Prescribed Dosage it Can Completely Eliminate all types of Sucking Pests Like Aphids, leafhoppers , Thrips , whitefly , flies , bugs , mites. It Completely Ends Pest Attacks of Cockroach , Bedbug , Termites ( All Three Types ) , Red Ants , Spiders and many more species. It is a All in One Organic Solution for Insect / Pest Control which is super powerful and highly Concentrated.

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It is a new Technology cost effective All in 1 powerful product which controls all Types of Fungal diseases in your plants. It protects germinating seed, roots and emerging shoots from soil born pathogens. It controls root rot, Stem rot, Black rot, Wilt, Bight, Downy mildew, powdery mildew, Rust, Ring Spot etc. Effective on fungal & viral diseases like rust, blight, rot, damping off and mildew. Best for your home garden and domestic use & agriculture use for Controlling Almost all types of Fungus Diseases Dose and other details are given along the product Dosage : 1.5 - 2 GM / Ltr Repeat application depends on the disease , application interval 7 - 12 days.

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Katyayani 2 in1 Fogger is an Advanced New Technology Organic Formulation Which is Effective on Mosquitos , Bedbugs , red ants , cockroaches , spiders , red mites White Fly & other flying household insects. 2 in1 Fogger is cost effective 2 in 1 Solution as it can be used for both Cold fogging & Thermal Fogging i.e Can be used with Diesel/ Kerosene For Outdoor Purposes & with water for Indoor Spraying. It is a Multi purpose 2 in1 Solution which is perfect for your Household Pest control problem with a Safe and easy to use approach. Katyayani 2 in 1 Fogger Safe to Use Organic Solution Best for closed spaces like your home and roof or terrace , school hall , hospital and hotel lobby & Outdoor Areas like Garden etc comes with a mesmerizing lemongrass fragrance as you spray / Fog . Dosage : For Indoor Purposes mix 5 ml per Liter Water and Spray. For Outdoor Purposes mix 8 ml in 1 Liter Oil Base ( Diesel / Kerosene ) . detailed Instructions to use comes with the Product

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Pyrethrum / Pyrethrin Extract 2% is cost effective all in one pest control solution Best for Household Garden & Other Domestic Purposes. It is preferred by many Central Government and State Government bodies like NAMP, Municipal corporations, Army, Navy etc in INDIA. Pyrethrin is very effective for control of Mosquito , Bedbugs , Flies , Cockroaches , ants, moths, flies , fleas and many other insects. It is used as a fogging chemical or directly sprayed by mixing it with water for indoors & outdoor areas in your house , garden , lawn & for Agricultural Purposes. For Fogging : Pyrethrum Extract 2% should be diluted with kerosene or diesel in the ratio 1:15 and applied as thermal fog or ultra-low volume aerosol spray. For Domestic Use : it can be directly sprayed by mixing it with water in appropriate Dose.

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