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Traditionally prepared derivative of clarified butter, the Ghee is handcrafted through Bilona method by using curd made from Indian Native Cow's milk (A2 milk), rather than cream. Usually, the substances that's balances #PittaDosha, also cause depletion of digestive fire. But #DesiGhee from #DesiCow's is an exception. Not only it balances Pitta Dosha, it also increases digestive strength As per #Charaka #Samhita #Sutrasthana (an Ancient treatise on #GoodHealth) , #DesiGhee from #DesiCow's is conducive to #Rasadhatu, #Sukradhatu & #Ojas (better digestion, well being & virility) Go4Life's premium A2 Bilona Ghee from Desi Cows adds to clarity of voice and complexion along with promoting memory and balancing pitta and data dosha

999.00 1090.00