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Specifications Length : 5.00 mm Broken : 5% Moisture : 14% Damaged/ Yellow/ Red/Red Streaks : 1.7% Foreign Matter Including Paddy : 0.25% Max Black & Black Tipped: 0.25% Max Natural Admixture of Rice : 12% Max Milling Degree : Well Milled Quality : 100% Sortex Packaging : Acc. to Req.

Price on Request

Specifications Length : 5.00 mm Broken : 5% Moisture : 12.5% Damaged/ Yellow Grains: 1.5% Red/Red Streaks : 0.25% Max Foreign Matter Including Paddy : 0.25% Max Chalky Grains (Half Basis) : 6% Max Natural Admixture of Rice : 12% Max Milling Degree : Well Milled Quality : 100% Sortex Packaging : Acc. to Req.

Price on Request