7 results for

"Medicinal Plants"

Benefits and Compositions Benefits of CRD Medicine (Respiratory Herbs) for Pig and Swine: Respiratory Herbs help to treat respiratory diseases (SRD) in pigs. Respiratory Herbs are adequate for preventing and treating Mycoplasma Hyopneumoniae (M. hyopneumoniae) in pigs. Respiratory Herbs are very effective for swine influenza, coughing, discharge from the nose or eyes, sneezing, laboured breathing, and fever in pigs. Composition: Each 100 ml contains Menthol : 8 gm Camphor : 0.6 gm Thyme Extract: 3 gm Ginger Oil: 0.6 gm Clove Oil: 0.8 gm Lemon Oil: 2 gm Sorbitol: 6 gm Adhatoda Vasica: 5 gm Eucalyptus Globulus : 20 gm Dosage: Pig: 10 ml. Morning and 10 ml. Evening Small Animals: 5 ml in morning and 5 ml in the evening For Treatment: 5 ml in 1 liter of water for 7 to 10 days. Packaging: 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 ltr, & 5 ltr Download Literature

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Benefits and Compositions Benefits of CRD Medicine (Respiratory Herbs) for Goat and Sheep: Respiratory Herbs are a very effective herbal treatment of respiratory disease (pneumonia) in goat and sheep. Respiratory Herbs is a tested treatment for symptoms viz cough, sneezing, nasal discharge in goat and sheep. Composition: Each 100 ml contains Menthol : 8 gm Camphor : 0.6 gm Thyme Extract: 3 gm Ginger Oil: 0.6 gm Clove Oil: 0.8 gm Lemon Oil: 2 gm Sorbitol: 6 gm Adhatoda Vasica: 5 gm Eucalyptus Globulus : 20 gm Dosage: Goat and Sheep: 10 ml in morning and 10 ml in the evening Small Animals: 5 ml in morning and 5 ml in the evening Packaging: 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 ltr, & 5 ltr Download Literature

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Benefits and Compositions Benefits of CRD Medicine (Respiratory Herbs) for Dairy Cattle: Respiratory Herbs are a very effective herbal treatment of respiratory disease (pneumonia) in dairy calves. Respiratory Herbs is a tested treatment for symptoms viz cough, sneezing, nasal discharge in dairy cattle and calf. Composition: Each 100 ml contains Menthol : 8 gm Camphor : 0.6 gm Thyme Extract: 3 gm Ginger Oil: 0.6 gm Clove Oil: 0.8 gm Lemon Oil: 2 gm Sorbitol: 6 gm Adhatoda Vasica: 5 gm Eucalyptus Globulus : 20 gm Dosage: Large Animals: 10 15 ml in morning and 10 15 ml in the evening Small Animals: 5 ml in morning and 5 ml in the evening Packaging: 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 ltr, & 5 ltr Download Literature

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Stress Reduction: Ashwagandha tablets have­ gained renown for lowering stre­ss and furthering relaxation, there­by benefiting mental he­alth. Enhanced Energy and Vitality: Regular intake­ of Ashwagandha Tablets may provide an increase­ in energy and vitality. By potentially combating fatigue­ and strengthening stamina, the supple­ments could boost energy le­vels. Improved Cognitive Function: These­ tablets may enhance cognitive­ functions like memory, focus, and mental clarity. The­y supports optimal brain function. Immune System Support: Ashwagandha Tablets may bolste­r the body's defense­s. They possess the potential to stre­ngthen natural immunity against sickness. Howeve­r, more research is still ne­eded to confirm the immune­-boosting properties. Hormonal Balance: Ashwagandha tablets may he­lp regulate hormone le­vels. This contributes to overall hormonal balance­ and well-being. It can espe­cially help manage stress-re­lated hormonal changes. Ashwagandha helps the­ body adapt to stress.


Digestive­ Support: Aloe vera capsules soothe­ tummy troubles, helping food move smoothly through your body. The­y let nutrients get absorbe­d properly. Skin Health: Taking aloe ve­ra inside hydrates your skin, kee­ping it glowing and healthy. No more tight, dry skin! Immune Boost: The­se capsules strengthe­n your immune system's ability to fight off illnesse­s and infections. Stay protected! De­toxification: Aloe vera flushes toxins from your body, cle­ansing it from the inside out. A fresh start! Blood Sugar Re­gulation: Some research shows aloe­ may help control blood sugar levels for diabe­tics. Plus, it's good for heart health too.

13.35 13.42

Katyayani Ampelomyces quisqualis is a naturally occurring fungal parasite of powdery mildews.It is a Effective Remedy for the Powdery mildew also parasitic on Botrytis cinerea , Alternaria solani , Colletotrichum , Coccodes and Cladosporium cucumerinum Katyayani Ampelomyces quisqualis is a powerful liquid solution with Recommended CFU ( 2 x 10^8 ) thus powerful liquid Solution and better Shelf life then other Powder forms of Ampelomyces quisqualis in the market.Recommended For Organic Farming by NPOP & Gardening.It is recommended input for Organic Plantations for Export Purposes Ampelomyces quisqualis is a hyper parasite with powerful results on a wide range of powdery mildew fungi on all plants like Okra , Grapes , Pea & Other Cucurbits Apple Beans, Tomato , Pulses , Cumin , Chilies , Coriander , Mango , Ber Strawberry, Roses Medicinal and Aromatic crops. Katyayani Ampelomyces quisqualis is a Completely Eco-friendly Harmless bio fungicide and 100% Organic Solution. It is a cost effective bio fungicide.Best for Domestic Purposes like home garden Kitchen Terrace Garden , Nursery & Agriculture Practices. Dosage: Foliar Spray – 5 ml per Liter water is recommended , Soil Application : 1.5-2 Liter Per Acre is used.For Detailed Instructions to use is given along with the product.

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You've summed up the potential benefits of black garlic quite comprehensively! It's impressive how black garlic, due to its unique fermentation process, holds promise for various health advantages. Here's a succinct summary: Anti-Inflammatory: High SAC levels in black garlic offer relief for conditions like arthritis, asthma, and heart disease. Heart Health: Black garlic aids in reducing blood pressure and cholesterol, benefiting heart health. Immune Boost: It boosts the immune system, potentially preventing infections and illnesses. Anti-Cancer: exhibits anti-cancer properties, potentially useful in cancer prevention and treatment. Digestive Aid: Supports digestion, alleviating gastrointestinal issues like bloating and constipation. Anti-Aging: Black garlic's anti-aging properties contribute to skin health and reduce signs of aging. Athletic Performance: Known to enhance athletic performance and endurance. Sleep Aid: Promotes better sleep and may reduce insomnia.

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