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Tuliq Gel is a blend of unique Ayurvedic herbs which provides analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antioxidant actions, due to which it provides relief from pain and improves the rate of healing in any type of mouth ulcers. It not only take care of mouth ulcers but also provide relief from associated symptoms. Antiseptic property of Khadir helps to prevent infection and relieves itching sensation. Wound healing & anti-inflammatory property of Yashtimadhu & Haldi are helpful to provide relief from ulcers. Due to anti-oxidant & cooling property of Dadim and Amalaki helps to relieve burning sensation and increase rate of healing. Menthol & Clove oil relieves pain due to analgesic property & provide freshness by cleaning the mouth. In summary, Tuliq gel provides better healing in mouth ulcers and associated symptoms like pain, swelling, and burning sensation