23 results for

"Ayurvedic Herbal Products"

Sarasaparilla, known as Nannari, offers various health benefits. Rich in antioxidants, it's traditionally used for its anti-inflammatory properties, potentially aiding in detoxification and skin health. It's esteemed for its potential to purify blood and cleanse the system. Nannari is associated with cooling effects and is used in traditional medicine to alleviate heat-related conditions and promote overall well-being. However, using it in moderation is advisable, and seeking guidance from a healthcare professional is recommended due to limited scientific evidence on its safety and efficacy. Ayaan Naturals Leading Exporter from India Ideal for import markets, they are perfect for Importers, Bulk Supplies and White Labeling Brands we ensure premium quality goods with timely worldwide delivery from India and competitive prices for the international export market. Quality guaranteed.

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Nutmeg, known as Jathikai, holds various health benefits. It's valued for its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, potentially aiding in digestion and soothing upset stomachs. Traditionally used for its calming effects, it may help promote better sleep and relaxation. Nutmeg is associated with potential pain relief and is used in some cultures for dental care. However, it should be used in moderation, as excessive consumption can lead to adverse effects due to its myristicin content. Consulting a healthcare professional before significant use is advisable. Ayaan Naturals Leading Exporter from India Ideal for import markets, they are perfect for Importers, Bulk Supplies and White Labeling Brands we ensure premium quality goods with timely worldwide delivery from India and competitive prices for the international export market. Quality guaranteed.

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Kadukkai, known as Haritaki, is a revered herb in traditional medicine. It's esteemed for its potential to aid digestion, relieve constipation, and support gut health. Rich in antioxidants, it's associated with anti-inflammatory properties, potentially supporting overall well-being. Haritaki is traditionally used in Ayurveda for detoxification and as a rejuvenating agent. However, while it's historically valued for its health benefits, using it in moderation is essential, and consulting a healthcare professional before significant use is advisable due to limited scientific evidence on its safety and efficacy Ayaan Naturals Leading Exporter from India Ideal for import markets, they are perfect for Importers, Bulk Supplies and White Labeling Brands we ensure premium quality goods with timely worldwide delivery from India and competitive prices for the international export market. Quality guaranteed.

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Bluejack Raw, known as Masikai, offers various health benefits. Rich in antioxidants, it's traditionally used for its anti-inflammatory properties, potentially aiding in managing digestive issues and supporting liver health. Masikai is associated with potential benefits for respiratory health and is believed to possess antimicrobial properties. It's used in traditional medicine for its potential in alleviating coughs and promoting overall immune function. However, while it's traditionally valued for its health benefits, using it should be done in moderation, and seeking guidance from a healthcare professional is recommended due to limited scientific evidence on its safety and efficacy. Ayaan Naturals Leading Exporter from India Ideal for import markets, they are perfect for Importers, Bulk Supplies and White Labeling Brands we ensure premium quality goods with timely worldwide delivery from India and competitive prices for the international export market. Quality guaranteed.

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Beleric, known as Thandrikkai, offers various health benefits. Rich in antioxidants, it's valued for its potential in promoting respiratory health and improving lung function. It's traditionally used in Ayurvedic medicine to alleviate coughs and support overall respiratory well-being. Thandrikkai is believed to have anti-inflammatory properties, potentially aiding digestive health and promoting detoxification. However, while it's traditionally valued for its health benefits, using it should be done in moderation, and consulting a healthcare professional is recommended due to limited scientific evidence on its safety and efficacy. Ayaan Naturals Leading Exporter from India Ideal for import markets, they are perfect for Importers, Bulk Supplies and White Labeling Brands we ensure premium quality goods with timely worldwide delivery from India and competitive prices for the international export market. Quality guaranteed.

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Multani Mitti, also known as Fuller's Earth, is renowned for various health benefits. Rich in minerals, it's traditionally used in skincare for its oil-absorbing and cleansing properties. It's valued for its ability to unclog pores and remove impurities, making it a popular ingredient in face masks. Multani Mitti is believed to improve skin texture and tone, aiding in the removal of dead skin cells. However, while it's traditionally valued for its benefits in skincare, it's essential to use it in moderation and perform a patch test, as it may cause dryness in some skin types. Ayaan Naturals Leading Exporter from India Ideal for import markets, they are perfect for Importers, Bulk Supplies and White Labeling Brands we ensure premium quality goods with timely worldwide delivery from India and competitive prices for the international export market. Quality guaranteed.

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Caesalpinia Bonducella Raw, known as Kalarchikai, offers various health benefits. Rich in antioxidants, it's traditionally used for its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, potentially aiding in managing diabetes and digestive issues. Kalarchikai is associated with potential benefits for joint health and is believed to have analgesic properties. It's used in traditional medicine for its potential in managing skin conditions and promoting overall wellness. However, while it's traditionally valued for its health benefits, using it should be done in moderation, and seeking guidance from a healthcare professional is recommended due to limited scientific evidence on its safety and efficacy. Ayaan Naturals Leading Exporter from India Ideal for import markets, they are perfect for Importers, Bulk Supplies and White Labeling Brands we ensure premium quality goods with timely worldwide delivery from India and competitive prices for the international export market. Quality guaranteed.

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Long Pepper, known as Thippili, holds various health benefits. Rich in antioxidants, it's esteemed for its potential in aiding digestion and supporting respiratory health. It's traditionally used for its antimicrobial properties and believed to possess anti-inflammatory effects. Thippili is associated with promoting metabolism and potentially aiding in weight management. However, while it's traditionally valued for its health benefits, using it should be done in moderation, and seeking guidance from a healthcare professional is recommended due to limited scientific evidence on its safety and efficacy. Ayaan Naturals Leading Exporter from India Ideal for import markets, they are perfect for Importers, Bulk Supplies and White Labeling Brands we ensure premium quality goods with timely worldwide delivery from India and competitive prices for the international export market. Quality guaranteed.

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Chitharathai, or Lesser Galangal, is esteemed for its health benefits. Rich in antioxidants, it's valued for its anti-inflammatory properties, potentially aiding digestive issues and offering relief from gastric problems. It's used in traditional medicine for its potential to alleviate respiratory issues, acting as a decongestant and supporting respiratory health. Lesser Galangal is also believed to have antimicrobial properties, potentially aiding in the treatment of various infections. However, while it's traditionally valued for its health benefits, using it should be done in moderation, and seeking guidance from a healthcare professional is recommended due to limited scientific evidence on its safety and efficacy. Ayaan Naturals Leading Exporter from India Ideal for import markets, they are perfect for Importers, Bulk Supplies and White Labeling Brands we ensure premium quality goods with timely worldwide delivery from India and competitive prices for the international export market. Quality guaranteed.

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Virali Manjal, or raw turmeric, boasts numerous health benefits. Rich in curcumin, it's a potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent. It aids in boosting immunity, promoting digestion, and supporting the management of various skin conditions due to its antimicrobial properties. It's also associated with potential benefits for joint health and aiding in reducing inflammation. However, it's advised to consume it in moderation, and for those with specific health conditions or on medications, consulting a healthcare professional is recommended. Ayaan Naturals Leading Exporter from India Ideal for import markets, they are perfect for Importers, Bulk Supplies and White Labeling Brands we ensure premium quality goods with timely worldwide delivery from India and competitive prices for the international export market. Quality guaranteed.

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Karboga Arisi, also known as Babchi Dried Seed, offers various health benefits. Rich in antioxidants, it's traditionally used for its potential in promoting skin health and managing skin conditions due to its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. It's associated with potential benefits for improving hair health and aiding in certain skin conditions like vitiligo. However, using it should be approached cautiously, especially in terms of its topical application or internal consumption, and seeking guidance from a healthcare professional is recommended due to limited scientific evidence on its safety and efficacy. Ayaan Naturals Leading Exporter from India Ideal for import markets, they are perfect for Importers, Bulk Supplies and White Labeling Brands we ensure premium quality goods with timely worldwide delivery from India and competitive prices for the international export market. Quality guaranteed.

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Nut Grass Powder, known as Korai Kilangu, is valued for its diverse health benefits. Rich in antioxidants, it possesses anti-inflammatory properties and is known for its potential in relieving various digestive issues. It's traditionally used to manage menstrual discomfort and aid in women's health. Korai Kilangu is believed to have antimicrobial properties and can be used topically to address skin conditions. While it's traditionally valued for its health benefits, using it in moderation is essential, and seeking guidance from a healthcare professional is recommended due to limited scientific evidence on its safety and efficacy. Ayaan Naturals Leading Exporter from India Ideal for import markets, they are perfect for Importers, Bulk Supplies and White Labeling Brands we ensure premium quality goods with timely worldwide delivery from India and competitive prices for the international export market. Quality guaranteed.

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Dried Rose Petals, known as Dried Roja Poo, offer various health benefits. Rich in antioxidants, they're traditionally used for their anti-inflammatory and soothing properties, promoting skin health. They're valued for their potential in reducing skin redness and irritation, often used in skincare products for their calming effects. Dried Roja Poo is believed to have mild astringent properties and is used in toners and facial mists. However, while it's traditionally valued for its benefits in skincare, using it should be done in moderation and performing a patch test is advisable for those with sensitive skin. Ayaan Naturals Leading Exporter from India Ideal for import markets, they are perfect for Importers, Bulk Supplies and White Labeling Brands we ensure premium quality goods with timely worldwide delivery from India and competitive prices for the international export market. Quality guaranteed.

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Terminalia Arjuna Bark, known as Marutham Pattai, is valued for various health benefits. Rich in antioxidants, it's traditionally used for its potential in supporting heart health, aiding in managing blood pressure, and strengthening the cardiovascular system. It's believed to possess anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, potentially aiding in digestive issues and skin health. Marutham Pattai is associated with improving overall vitality and immunity. However, while it's traditionally valued for its health benefits, using it should be done in moderation, and seeking guidance from a healthcare professional is recommended due to limited scientific evidence on its safety and efficacy. Ayaan Naturals Leading Exporter from India Ideal for import markets, they are perfect for Importers, Bulk Supplies and White Labeling Brands we ensure premium quality goods with timely worldwide delivery from India and competitive prices for the international export market. Quality guaranteed.

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Indian Lotus, known as Thamarai Poo, is revered for its various health benefits. Rich in antioxidants, it's traditionally used for its anti-inflammatory properties and its potential in promoting skin health. Thamarai Poo is associated with stress relief and relaxation, used in traditional practices for its calming effects. It's believed to have antimicrobial properties and is used in skincare due to its soothing and moisturizing effects. However, while it's traditionally valued for its health benefits, using it should be done in moderation, and seeking guidance from a healthcare professional is recommended due to limited scientific evidence on its safety and efficacy. Ayaan Naturals Leading Exporter from India Ideal for import markets, they are perfect for Importers, Bulk Supplies and White Labeling Brands we ensure premium quality goods with timely worldwide delivery from India and competitive prices for the international export market. Quality guaranteed.

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Kasturi Manjal, or Wild Turmeric, is esteemed for various health benefits. With its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, it's used to treat skin ailments and promote skin health. Its rich antioxidants offer potential in reducing oxidative stress and supporting overall well-being. Traditionally, it's valued for its ability to enhance complexion and treat acne. When used topically, it's known for its potential in treating wounds and cuts due to its antimicrobial properties. However, while it's traditionally valued, using it in moderation and doing a patch test is recommended to avoid potential allergic reactions. Ayaan Naturals Leading Exporter from India Ideal for import markets, they are perfect for Importers, Bulk Supplies and White Labeling Brands we ensure premium quality goods with timely worldwide delivery from India and competitive prices for the international export market. Quality guaranteed.

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Dried Curculigo Orchioides, known as Dried Nilapanai Kilangu, is attributed with various health benefits. Rich in antioxidants, it's traditionally used for its potential aphrodisiac properties, believed to support reproductive health and vitality. It's associated with anti-inflammatory and adaptogenic effects, potentially aiding in stress reduction and overall well-being. Nilapanai Kilangu is used in traditional medicine for its potential in boosting energy and promoting endurance. However, its usage should be approached with caution, and consulting a healthcare professional is recommended, especially considering the limited scientific evidence on its safety and efficacy. Ayaan Naturals Leading Exporter from India Ideal for import markets, they are perfect for Importers, Bulk Supplies and White Labeling Brands we ensure premium quality goods with timely worldwide delivery from India and competitive prices for the international export market. Quality guaranteed.

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Pirandai, known as Veldt Grape, offers several health benefits. Rich in antioxidants, it's recognized for its anti-inflammatory properties, potentially aiding in joint health and managing digestive issues. Pirandai is associated with potential benefits for bone health and is believed to support the strengthening of bones and connective tissues. It's used in traditional medicine for its potential to alleviate joint pain and promote overall wellness. However, the consumption of Pirandai should be done cautiously, as its high oxalate content might affect certain individuals adversely, and seeking guidance from a healthcare professional is recommended before extensive use. Ayaan Naturals Leading Exporter from India Ideal for import markets, they are perfect for Importers, Bulk Supplies and White Labeling Brands we ensure premium quality goods with timely worldwide delivery from India and competitive prices for the international export market. Quality guaranteed.

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Aavaram Poo, also known as Cassia Auriculata, offers various health benefits. It's rich in antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties, aiding in skin health and digestion. It's linked to regulating blood sugar levels and supporting kidney function. Aavaram Poo is often used in traditional medicine to treat urinary disorders and aid in weight loss. Its antimicrobial properties may also promote oral health. When consumed in moderation, this herb can contribute positively to overall well-being. Ayaan Naturals Leading Exporter from India Ideal for import markets, they are perfect for Importers, Bulk Supplies and White Labeling Brands we ensure premium quality goods with timely worldwide delivery from India and competitive prices for the international export market. Quality guaranteed.

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Gokhru, known as Nerunji Mull, is celebrated for its potential health benefits. Rich in antioxidants, it's traditionally used for its anti-inflammatory properties, potentially aiding in urinary health and kidney function. It's associated with potential benefits for reproductive health and hormonal balance, especially in men. Nerunji Mull is believed to support vitality and may have aphrodisiac properties. However, it's essential to use it in moderation and under guidance, as excessive use can lead to adverse effects. Seeking advice from a healthcare professional is advisable before significant use due to limited scientific evidence on its safety and efficacy. Ayaan Naturals Leading Exporter from India Ideal for import markets, they are perfect for Importers, Bulk Supplies and White Labeling Brands we ensure premium quality goods with timely worldwide delivery from India and competitive prices for the international export market. Quality guaranteed.

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Hygrophila Auriculata Seed, known as Neermulli Vidhai, is esteemed for various health benefits. Rich in antioxidants, it's traditionally used for its anti-inflammatory properties, potentially aiding in urinary health and kidney function. It's associated with potential benefits for reproductive health, supporting vitality and hormonal balance. Neermulli Vidhai is believed to have properties that can enhance overall vitality. However, using it in moderation and under guidance is advisable, as excessive use can lead to adverse effects. Seeking advice from a healthcare professional is recommended due to limited scientific evidence on its safety and efficacy. Ayaan Naturals Leading Exporter from India Ideal for import markets, they are perfect for Importers, Bulk Supplies and White Labeling Brands we ensure premium quality goods with timely worldwide delivery from India and competitive prices for the international export market. Quality guaranteed.

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Shatavari Dried Root, known as Thaneer Vittan Kilangu, is renowned for its diverse health benefits. Rich in antioxidants and phytochemicals, it's esteemed for its potential in hormonal balance, particularly in women's health. It's traditionally used to support reproductive health and alleviate symptoms related to menopause. Shatavari is believed to possess anti-inflammatory properties, aiding digestive health and promoting immune function. However, while it's traditionally valued for its health benefits, using it should be done in moderation, and consulting a healthcare professional is advisable due to limited scientific evidence on its safety and efficacy. Ayaan Naturals Leading Exporter from India Ideal for import markets, they are perfect for Importers, Bulk Supplies and White Labeling Brands we ensure premium quality goods with timely worldwide delivery from India and competitive prices for the international export market. Quality guaranteed.

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Mavilanga Pattai, the Caper Tree Bark in its dried raw form, is known for various health benefits. Rich in antioxidants, it's traditionally used for its potential in aiding digestive health and managing gastrointestinal issues. This bark is associated with potential benefits for skin health and is believed to possess antimicrobial properties. It's used in traditional medicine for its potential to alleviate inflammation and promote overall wellness. However, while it's traditionally valued for its health benefits, using it should be done in moderation, and seeking guidance from a healthcare professional is recommended due to limited scientific evidence on its safety and efficacy. Ayaan Naturals Leading Exporter from India Ideal for import markets, they are perfect for Importers, Bulk Supplies and White Labeling Brands we ensure premium quality goods with timely worldwide delivery from India and competitive prices for the international export market. Quality guaranteed.

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