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Brand: NIPA
Country of Origin: India
The book Livestock Nutrition: Analytical Techniques elucidates the recommended and standard methods of analysis in a comprehensive and lucid manner. The most recent methods, including Bomb calorimetry, Isothermal, Adiabatic and Ballistic, non-protein nitrogen fractions, oxalic acid in feeds and fodders, cyanides in plants, nitrate and nitrite in forages, thioglucoside in rapeseed meal, free gossypol in cottonseed meal, and aflatoxins in feed, have been presented in a simple and illustrative manner. The book also covers additional analytical methods such as desoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA) analysis in animal tissues, non-esterified fatty acid, and total lipids in serum or plasma lipolase, blood glucose, cholesterol, and urea, biuret method for protein content in wheat, and fractions of total lipids, including cholesterol, HDL, and LDL cholesterol. Furthermore, the book provides a detailed description of the method of urea estimation in animal feed as an adulterant.
1. Standard solutions-definitions and preparation of solutions of various strength of common acids, alkalies and alcohol. 2. Conversion factors. 3. Proximate principles in feed. 4. Preparation of samples for chemical analysis. 5. Processing and weighing of biological samples. 6. Dry matter content of herbage, faeces, silage and molasses. 7. Dry matter and partial dry matter. 8. Gross energy values of herbage, faeces, urine, milki and silage. 9. Ether extract and crude fiber in feeds and fodders. 10. Nitrogen and crude protein in feeds and fodders. 11. True protein in feeds and fodders. 12. Non-protein nitrogen fractions in biological materials. 13. Total ash and acid insoluble ash in feed and fodders. 14. Wet chemical digestion of biological materials for mineral analysis. 15. Nitrogen free extract in feeds and fodders. 16. Determination of food carbohydrates. 17. Lignin and acid insoluble ash by Fonnesbeck and Harris Method. 18. Hemicellulose in plant cell walls by Fonnesbeck and Harris method. 19. Cellulose and Lignin by crampton and Maynard method. 20. Soluble carbohydrate and structural carbohydate pentosan and Hexasan by Deriaz Method. 21. Oxalic acid in biological materials. 22. Tannic acid in feeds and fodders. 23. Cyanides in plants. 24. Nitrates and nitrites in Forages. 25. Aflatoxin in feeds. 26. Thioglucoside in Rapeseed meal. 27. Free Gossypol in Cottonseed meal. 28. Desoxyribonucleic acid and ribonucleic acid in animal tissue. 29. Non esterified fatty acid concentrations in plasma. 30. Enzymatic determination of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). 31. Total lipid in serum or plasma. 32. Lipase in serum. 33. Blood lipid components. 34. Glucose in blood. 35. Regulations for radioisotope work in the laboratory. 36. Common terms used in nuclear research work. 37. Radioactivity measuring instruments. 38. General use of tracretechniques in nutritional biochemistry studies. 39. Isotope dilution technique. 40. Production and kinetics of volatile fatty acids. 41. Estimation of Rumen water volume, rate of flow of water and average Rumen dry matter turnover time. 42. Estimating rate of passage of hay using marker Au (Radiogold) in sheep. 43. Effect of hormones on fat synthesis through C labeled Acetate in Chicken Adipose Tissue. 44. Estimation of trace mineral sin tissues by Neutron activation analysis. 45. Techniques of microbial protein biosynthesis in the Rumen. 46. Technique of separation of bacteria and protozoa from rumen contents. 47. Method for estimation of rumen microbial nitrogen. 48. Technique for the measurement of the rate of production of bacteria in the rumen of Buffalo calves. 49. Technique for the measurement of the rate of production of protozoa in the rumen of buffalo calves. 50. Studying Urea kinetics using C labeled urea in ruminants. 51. Estimation of endogenous calcium and phosphorus in ruminants. 52. Incorporation of radioactive carbon from Oxalic acid C into Ruminal microbial constituents in Vitro system. 53. Estimation of radioactive calcium by liquid scintillation counting. 54. Determination of digestibility with cerium as an inert marker. 55. Determination of strontium 90 by an ion exchange method. 56. Measuring colour, fluorescence, polarization and spectrum of particulate matter. 57. Gas chromatography. 58. Atomic absorption spectrophotometry. 59. Flame photometry. 60. Direct and indirect calorimetry. 61. Fat soluble vitamin ascorbic acid Assay. 62. Water soluble vitamin assay. 63. In vitro nylon bag and cellulase digestibility techniques. 65. Techniques for studying in vivo utilization of nutrients under stall and range conditions in tropics. 66. Enzyme assay in biological samples. 67. Column and liquid partition chromatography. 68. Conway diffusion techniques (Method of Conway, 1957). 69. Colorimetric methods of trace element analysis. 70. Standard units of measure and weight used in analytical work. 71. Sampling and processing f biological samples. 72. Calcium in biological materials. 73. Phosphorus in biological materials. 74. magnesium and sulphur in biological materials. 75. Total volatile fatty acids in blood rumen liquor and silage samples. 76. Bacterial and protozoal fractions in rumen liquor. 77. Total protein, lipoprotein and protein nitrogen components. 78. Pepsin digestibility of human and animal foods. 79. Antitryptic activity of human and anima food (legume). 80. Polyethylene glycol (PEG) in biological materials. 81. Estimation of chloride in biological samples. 82. Methods for detecting adulteration in animal feeds and human foods. 83. Urease activity in legume seeds and their byproducts. 84. Lactic acid in biological samples. 85. Chemical analysis of milk. 86. Quality control in feed and mineral mixture processing industries: a vision. Bibliography : tracer techniques.