StaBiFlo-TS-CWS-623 Modified E - 1442 Hydroxypropyl Distarch Phosphate Tapioca Starch Cold Water Soluble

StaBiFlo-TS-CWS-623 Modified E - 1442 Hydroxypropyl Distarch Phosphate Tapioca Starch Cold Water Soluble

DAIRY PRODUCTS In the dairy industry, STABIFLO- TS –CWS- 623 is used in the production of cottage cheese, cream, yogurt and ice cream, providing instant viscosity to the final products. STABIFLO-TS-CWS623 is widely used in dairy applications where excellent process resistance and shelf life stability is required. STABIFLO- TS –CWS- 623 had good compatibility with milk proteins, excellent flavour release and superior freeze/thaw stability, hence it is widely recommended for cream and spreadable processed cheese applications. The excellent process resistance makes it very suitable for those applications that include direct steam injection at high temperatures, homogenisation or aeration. STABIFLO- TS –CWS- 623 provides a rich creamy mouthfeel and heavy bodied, short texture which are desirable characteristics of dairy products. INSTANT AND FROZEN PRODUCTS STABIFLO- TS –CWS- 623 is widely used in frozen products such as ice cream or ready meals due to its very good freeze-thaw properties. Using STABIFLO- TS –CWS- 623 enhances flavour retention, maintaining uniform texture and colour after freezing and thawing. UHT AND RETORTED PRODUCTS STABIFLO- TS –CWS- 623 can be widely used in ""high stress"" food processing systems where high temperatures combined with high shear conditions are used and starch granule integrity is required to obtain the optimal rheological results. STABIFLO- TS –CWS- 623 has found applications in a wide variety of processed foods and is particularly recommended as a stabiliser and thickener in the production of emulsified sauces, dressings and spreads where high shear emulsification equipment is used. It is also used as an ingredient in many canned fish, vegetables and fruits. BAKERY PRODUCTS In UHT bakery fillings, STABIFLO- TS –CWS- 623 combines excellent shear resistance with a good flavour release and short textures. STABIFLO- TS –CWS- 623 offer increased bake stability of bakery fillings.


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