1 results for

"Immunox 1 Gm"

Ceftriaxone Injection: A Potent Antibiotic for Serious Infections Ceftriaxone injection is a crucial component in the arsenal of antibiotics, revered for its broad-spectrum efficacy and versatility in combating severe bacterial infections. This potent medication belongs to the cephalosporin class of antibiotics, renowned for their efficacy against a wide range of bacteria. Mechanism of Action: Ceftriaxone exerts its therapeutic effects by inhibiting bacterial cell wall synthesis, thereby disrupting the integrity of the bacterial cell wall. This mechanism renders bacteria vulnerable to destruction by the body's immune system or by other antibacterial agents. Indications: Ceftriaxone injection is indicated for the treatment of various bacterial infections, including but not limited to: Severe respiratory tract infections Urinary tract infections Skin and soft tissue infections Bacterial meningitis Gonorrhea Lyme disease Intra-abdominal infections Septicemia Administration and Dosage: Ceftriaxone is typically administered intravenously or intramuscularly, depending on the severity of the infection and the patient's condition.

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