About Product: Useful in as Purgative. Dosage: 1-2 tablet twice daily or, as directed by the physician.


About Product: Useful in Goitre. Dosage: 1-2 tablet twice daily or, as directed by the physician.


About Product: Useful in Cough Asthma and Fever. Dosage: 1-2 tablet twice daily or, as directed by the physician.


About Product: Useful in Abdominal Disorders Constipation & Fever. Dosage: 1-2 tablet twice daily or, as directed by the physician.


About Product: Useful in Diabetes and as Rasayan. Dosage: 1-2 tablet twice daily or, as directed by the physician.


About Product: Useful in Indigestion Anorexia & Diarrhoea. Dosage: 1-2 tablet twice daily or, as directed by the physician.


About Product: Useful in Fever & Weakness after delivery. Dosage: 1-2 tablet twice daily or, as directed by the physician.


About Product: Useful in Fever Cough & Could. Dosage: 1-2 tablet twice daily or, as directed by the physician.


About Product - �Known for its potential benefits on the musculoskeletal system and its use in various conditions, Maha Yograj Guggulu is the traditional Ayurvedic formulation to bid farewell to your ailments. �INGREDIENTS:- Guggulu (Commiphora wightii): Known for its anti-inflammatory and detoxifying properties.� Pippali (Piper longum): Known �in Ayurveda for its digestive and respiratory health benefits. Chavya (Piper chaba): Regulates the Kapha dosha. Pippali Mool (Piper longum): Used in Ayurvedic formulations to support digestion, metabolism, and respiratory health. Chitrak (Plumbago zeylanica): Known for its detoxifying effect on the body. Shuddha Hingu (Asafoetida, Purified): Known for its digestive and carminative properties. STORAGE - Store in a cool, dry place in an airtight container.


About Product: Our Punarnavadi Guggulu with its anti-inflammatory properties helps in treatment against: Inflammation Gout Anaemia Abdominal Disorders Dosage: 1-2 tablet twice or thrice daily or, as directed by the physician.


About Product: Useful in Brain related problems Dosage: 1-2 tablet twice or thrice daily or, as directed by the physician.


About Product: Useful in Gout Hyperacidity Piles Diabetes Rheumatism and Dropsy Dosage: 1-2 tablet twice or thrice daily or, as directed by the physician.


About Product - Sitopladi Churna is a powerful and unique Ayurvedic formulation that is widely used to treat respiratory and digestive problems with the goodness of natural herbs .� Sitopladi Churna INGREDIENTS:- 1. Sitopala (Sugar Candy): Acts as a natural sweetener . 2. Vamshalochana (Bamboo Manna): Known to provide respiratory benefits. 3. Pippali (Long Pepper): Supports respiratory health and warms the body. 4. Twak (Cinnamon): Imparts flavor and has digestive benefits. 5. Ela (Cardamom): Has digestive benefits and has a good flavor. STORAGE - Store in a cool, dry place in an airtight container.


About Product: Our Kanchnar Guggulu is a traditional polyherbal formulation that helps reduce swellings and lumps by drying the excess Kapha and fluid in the body. It's a classic treatment for: Cyst Wound Fistula-in-Ano Abscess Cleansing Lymphatic System Dosage: 1-2 tablet twice or thrice daily or, as directed by the physician.


About Product: Our Kaishore Guggulu helps balance the production of Uric Acid and controls Gout. Additionally, it is also useful in Loss of Appetite Leprosy Wound Fistula Diabetic Carbuncle Arthritis Dosage: 1-2 tablet twice or thrice daily or, as directed by the physician.


About Product: Our Singhnad Guggulu with its anti-inflammatory activites is an useful treatment against: Gout Inflammation Rheumatoid Arthritis Dosage: 1-2 tablet twice or thrice daily or, as directed by the physician.


About Product: Our Vrihat Gangadhar Churna with its anti-bacterial and detoxifying properties helps in treatment against: Diarrhoea Sprue? Dyspepsia Dysentery Intestinal infections Dosage: 1-2 Teaspoon(5-10G) 2 to 3 times daily or as directed by the physician.


About The Product: Agnivesh Vidhara Churna, is a potent ayurvedic remedy which helps with respiratory issues including asthma, coughing and bronchitis. It is crafted with a harmonious mix of herbal ingredients which assists in treating Leucorrhoea, Rheumatism and various nervine disorders.� � Key Ingredients: Vidhara: Increase Vigour & Vitality, it also helps with internal wounds and cuts. It assists in improving the hoarse voice.� � Key Benefits:�� It helps to ease asthma, bronchitis and congestion.� It is known for its expectorant properties.� It also helps to alleviate the pain caused by inflammatory conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, vatic conditions and nervine conditions.�


About Product: Our Shringyadi Churna is useful for treating: Hiccough Dyspnea Cough Anorexia Dosage: 1-2 Teaspoon(5-10G) 2 to 3 times daily or as directed by the physician.


About Product: Agnivesh Shuddha Kapikacchu Churna is infused with the richness of Kapikachhu which contributes to the development of lean muscle mass by stimulating the human growth hormone production. It is a general wellness formulation that is useful for increasing strength and vigour. Key Ingredients: Shuddha Kapikachhu: Helps to maintain glucose levels in the body. Key Benefits: Increases sexual desires in men Eases the pain in muscles and joints. Acts as an energy booster.


About Product: Our Chitrakadi Vati with its anti-inflammatory properties helps strengthen the digestive system, and helps in treatment against: Sprue Loss of Appetite Indigestion Flatulence Pain in the Stomach Dosage: 1-2 tablet twice daily or, as directed by the physician.


About Product: Our Chandra Prabha Vati with its diuretic properties works as a Restorative & Strength Promoter and helps in treatment against: Diabetes Anaemia Burning Sensation during Urination Dosage: 1-2 tablet twice or thrice daily or, as directed by the physician.


About Product - An Ayurvedic formulation that has been effectively� preventing urinary tract infections (UTIs) and aiding the burning sensation during urination. This herbal remedy is a safe alternative to conventional UTI treatments and is highly reliable.� INGREDIENTS:- Shwet Chandan ka Burada (Sandalwood - Santalum album):� Helps to balance excess heat in the body. Sukshma Ela (Cardamom - Elettaria cardamomum): Reduces inflammation. Kabab Chini (Cubeb Pepper - Piper cubeba): Used for antimicrobial properties. Safed Raal (Shorea robusta): Known for its� anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Gandha Biroja Satva (Pinus longifolia): Renowned for its antiseptic properties. Khadir (Acacia catechu): Supports urinary system. Amalaki (Emblica officinalis): Provides immune health. Gokshura (Tribulus terrestris):Used for its diuretic properties. STORAGE - Store in a cool, dry place in an airtight container.


About Product: Useful in loss of appetite indigestion and abdominal colic. Dosage: 1-2 tablet twice daily or, as directed by the physician.


About Product: Useful in sores of mouth swelling of gums dental cavities spongy and bleeding gums Pyorrhea black and dirty stains of teeth Bad breath and weakness of the roots of teeth. Dosage: As directed by the Physician.


About Product: Our Yograj Guggulu with its anti-inflammatory properties helps in treatment against: Rheumatoid Arthritis Worms Acute Joint Pain Dosage: 1-2 tablet twice daily or, as directed by the physician.


About Product: Our Mahabala Tail with its� rejuvenating properties helps increase vigor and strength, and helps in treatment against: Vatic Disorders Respiratory Disorders Rheumatoid Arthritis Fertility Cough Dosage: As directed by the Physician.


About Product - �A combination of� thirteen (trayodasha) different herbal components, Guggulu refers to the Commiphora wightii tree's resin and is a central ingredient in this Ayurvedic formulation. �INGREDIENTS:- Guggulu (Commiphora wightii): Used for its anti-inflammatory properties & support for joint health. Shunthi (Dried Ginger): Used to treat joint pain. Maricha (Black Pepper): Helps in treating digestive problems. Vidanga (Embelia ribes): Used� for its antimicrobial and digestive properties. STORAGE - Store in a cool, dry place in an airtight container.


About Product: Vanari Gutka are used for complications in the male reproductive system, this help in Physical Strength and in premature ejaculation. Along with that, they are also beneficial in boosting strength and endurance. � Key Ingredients: Shuddha Kaunch Beej: Improves the quality and quantity of the immunity. Dugdha: Improves digestion as it is rich in nutrients. Cow Ghrit: Regulates bowel movements. Sharkara & Madhu: Helps with vomiting and dysentery. � Key Benefits: Boosting Strength & Endurance Premature Ejaculation It also boosts immunity in the body� Moreover, it is known to improve the overall sexual well-being of men.


About Product: Our Mahavishgarbh Tail anti-inflammatory properties helps in treatment against: Vatic Disorders Inflammation Rheumatism Hemicrania Sciatica Neuralgia Dosage: As directed by the Physician.


About Product - Shadbindu Tail is an ancestral remedy Packed with the goodness of chosen herbs. Besides keeping your hair healthy, it is effective for� treating nasal congestion & related problems like headaches & sinusitis. �INGREDIENTS:- Saunf (Fennel Seeds): Promotes hair growth. Bhringraj Svaras (Juice of Bhringraj): It is often used in hair care formulations to strengthen and reduce hair fall Till Tail (Sesame Oil): Provides nourishment to the hair and scalp. STORAGE - Store in a cool, dry place in an airtight container.


About Product: Useful in Fever. Dosage: 1-2 tablet twice daily or, as directed by the physician.


About Product - The Ayurvedic formulation that is an all rounder, the panchguna tail is the assimilation of all important Ayurvedic herbs known to treat various ailments. INGREDIENTS:- Kapoor (Camphor): Known for its soothing effect on the skin and muscles.� Gandha Biroja (Wintergreen oil): Known for its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Nilgiri Tail (Eucalyptus oil): Known for its analgesic effects. Kejoputi Tail (Cajuput oil): A massage oil known for its soothing effects on muscles and joints. STORAGE - Store in a cool, dry place in an airtight container.


About Product - �It derives its name from the nutritive formula specially prepared as a food for the sage Chyawan to restore his youth and vitality. It is a traditional Ayurvedic herbal preparation that people of all ages, including kids, adults, and the elderly, take for the numerous health benefits. �INGREDIENTS:- Jaggery: A natural sweetener that provides some digestive benefits. Honey: Used for its antimicrobial properties. Gokharu (Tribulus terrestris): Has potential benefits on the reproductive system. Pushkar Mool (Indian Sarsaparilla): Helps in treating respiratory conditions. STORAGE - Store in a cool, dry place in an airtight container.


About Product: Our Kumar Kalyan Ras (With Gold) with its rejuvenating properties helps in treatment for children against: Fever Cough Cold Vomiting Jaundice Diarrhoea Rickets Dosage: 1-2 tablet twice or thrice daily or, as directed by the physician.


About Product: Our Saptamrit Lauh helps balance Pitta dosha and helps in treatment against: Eye Diseases Increasing eyesight Aids Eye Health Dosage: 125-250 mg twice daily or, as directed by the physician.


About Product: Our Mahalaxmi Vilas Ras is helps in treatment against: Cough Cold General Debility Dosage: 1-2 tablet twice or thrice daily or, as directed by the physician.


About Product: Our Swarn Parpati (With Gold) has antiseptic and antacid properties, and helps in treatment of Tuberculosis Sprue Diarrhoea Mild Fever Dosage: 125-250 mg twice daily or, as directed by the physician.


About Product: Our Swarn Sindoor (With Gold) is a general wellness formulation that is useful for increasing Strength & Vigour. Dosage: 15-30 mg twice daily or, as directed by the physician.


About Product: Our Swarn Makshik Bhasma is useful for: Anaemia Edema Tuberculosis Dosage: 125mg to 375mg to be taken in the morning and evening or as directed by the physician


About Product: Our Vrihat Vatgajankush Ras helps in treating Vata Related Diseases, and is also useful for: Fever Spondylitis Neurological Diseases like Nerve pain, Neuralgia, Paralysis Pain Relief Dosage: 1-2 tablet twice daily or, as directed by the physician.


About Product: Our Yogendra Ras (With Gold) is helpful in treatment against: Neuro-Muscular conditions Mental & Physical Debility Hyperacidity Diabetes Dosage: 1-2 tablet twice daily or, as directed by the physician.


About Product: Our SAMEER PANNAG RAS Useful in: Vatic Diseases Dosage: 1 Tab to be taken in the morning & evening or as directed by the Physician.


About Product: Useful in Sprue Dosage: 1 Tab to be taken in the morning & evening or as directed by the Physician.


About Product: Useful in improving digestion Hyperacidity and Jaundice. Dosage: 125mg to 250mg to be taken in the morning & evening or as directed by the Physician.


About Product: Useful in Epistaxis and Acidity. Dosage: 125mg to 250mg to be taken in the morning & evening or as directed by the Physician.


About Product: Our Vrihat Sarwajwarhar Lauh is helpful for chronic fever and also used in treatment against:� Anaemia� Malaria & Dengue Indigestion Cough Dosage: 1-2 tablet twice daily or, as directed by the physician.


About Product: Useful in Fever Diarrhoea Dyspepsia & Sprue. Dosage: 125mg to 1 g to be taken in the morning & evening or as directed by the Physician.

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